Install this package in R

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Lefse (conda version)

Check the inst/scripts for source code. Check the inst/extdata directory for results.

Install lefse from bioconda

conda create -n lefse
conda activate lefse
## conda config --set channel_priority flexible # This might be necessary
conda install -c bioconda lefse


  1. Generate the gingival.txt file:
## R dependencies must be installed
Rscript --vanilla getData.R
  1. Run the script:
## conda activate lefse 
  1. Deactivate session when the job is done:
conda deactivate

.res file names

  • a = anova threshold
  • w = wilcoxon threshold
  • lda = lda threshold
  • it = iteration
  • bp = bootstrap