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Reading data

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full.dat <- bugsigdbr::importBugSigDB(version = "devel", cache = FALSE)
## [1] 7073   50
##  [1] "BSDB ID"                    "Study"                     
##  [3] "Study design"               "PMID"                      
##  [5] "DOI"                        "URL"                       
##  [7] "Authors list"               "Title"                     
##  [9] "Journal"                    "Year"                      
## [11] "Keywords"                   "Experiment"                
## [13] "Location of subjects"       "Host species"              
## [15] "Body site"                  "UBERON ID"                 
## [17] "Condition"                  "EFO ID"                    
## [19] "Group 0 name"               "Group 1 name"              
## [21] "Group 1 definition"         "Group 0 sample size"       
## [23] "Group 1 sample size"        "Antibiotics exclusion"     
## [25] "Sequencing type"            "16S variable region"       
## [27] "Sequencing platform"        "Statistical test"          
## [29] "Significance threshold"     "MHT correction"            
## [31] "LDA Score above"            "Matched on"                
## [33] "Confounders controlled for" "Pielou"                    
## [35] "Shannon"                    "Chao1"                     
## [37] "Simpson"                    "Inverse Simpson"           
## [39] "Richness"                   "Signature page name"       
## [41] "Source"                     "Curated date"              
## [43] "Curator"                    "Revision editor"           
## [45] "Description"                "Abundance in Group 1"      
## [47] "MetaPhlAn taxon names"      "NCBI Taxonomy IDs"         
## [49] "State"                      "Reviewer"

Stripping illformed entries: <- grepl("^Study [0-9]+$", full.dat[["Study"]])
is.exp <- grepl("^Experiment [0-9]+$", full.dat[["Experiment"]])
full.dat <- full.dat[ & is.exp, ]

Curation output

Number of papers and signatures curated:

pmids <- unique(full.dat[,"PMID"])
## [1] 1240
## [1] 7073

Publication date of the curated papers:

pmids <- pmids[!]
pubyear <- pmid2pubyear(pmids)
head(cbind(pmids, pubyear))
##      pmids      pubyear
## [1,] "28038683" "2016" 
## [2,] "28173873" "2017" 
## [3,] "27015276" "2016" 
## [4,] "27625705" "2016" 
## [5,] "23071781" "2012" 
## [6,] "28467925" "2017"
tab <- table(pubyear)
tab <- tab[-length(tab)]
tab <- tab[order(as.integer(names(tab)))]
df <- data.frame(year = names(tab), papers = as.integer(tab))
ggbarplot(df, x = "year", y = "papers", 
          label = TRUE, fill = "steelblue",
          ggtheme = theme_bw())

Stripping empty signatures:

ind1 <- lengths(full.dat[["MetaPhlAn taxon names"]]) > 0
ind2 <- lengths(full.dat[["NCBI Taxonomy IDs"]]) > 0
dat <- full.dat[ind1 & ind2,]
## [1] 7073

Papers containing only empty UP and DOWN signatures (under curation?):

setdiff(pmids, unique(dat[,"PMID"]))
## numeric(0)

Progress over time:

dat[,"Curated date"] <- as.character(lubridate::dmy(dat[,"Curated date"]))

plotProgressOverTime(dat, diff = TRUE)

Stratified by curator:

npc <- stratifyByCurator(dat)
plotCuratorStats(dat, npc)

Number of complete and revised signatures:

## < table of extent 0 >
table(dat[,"Revision editor"])
##                                                       AaishahM 
##                                                             25 
##                                                     Aananditaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Aananditaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Aananditaa,Scholastica 
##                                                              3 
##                                                  Abiola-Salako 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Abiola-Salako,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Abiola-Salako,Scholastica 
##                                                             12 
##                                            Adeitan,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Adeitan,Welile,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Adenike Oladimeji-Kasumu 
##                                                             11 
##                           Adenike Oladimeji-Kasumu,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                Adenike Oladimeji-Kasumu,Rahila 
##                                                              1 
##                           Adenike Oladimeji-Kasumu,Scholastica 
##                                                             10 
##                                               Adeoyo Olajumoke 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Adi13 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Adi13,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              6 
##                                                    Adwan,Tosin 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Agatha,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                Agatha,KateRasheed,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Aishat,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              1 
##                                               Aishat,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                             Aishat,KateRasheed 
##                                                              4 
##                                             Aishat,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                                AishatBolarinwa 
##                                                              5 
##                                   AishatBolarinwa,Aleru Divine 
##                                                             11 
##                         AishatBolarinwa,Aleru Divine,Folakunmi 
##                                                              5 
##                                      AishatBolarinwa,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                    AishatBolarinwa,KateRasheed 
##                                                              4 
##                                        AishatBolarinwa,MyleeeA 
##                                                              3 
##                            AishatBolarinwa,MyleeeA,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                             19 
##                                             Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                         Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              4 
##                                   Aiyshaaaa,WikiWorks,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Aiyshaaaa,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              3 
##                             Aiyshaaaa,WikiWorks,Merit,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Aleru Divine 
##                                                            585 
##                                   Aleru Divine,AishatBolarinwa 
##                                                             25 
##                                         Aleru Divine,Folakunmi 
##                                                             13 
##                                       Aleru Divine,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Aleru Divine,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Aleru Divine,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Aleru Divine,Scholastica 
##                                                             11 
##                                       Aleru Divine,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                                       Aleru002 
##                                                             10 
##                                             Aleru002,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Aleru002,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                        AlishaM 
##                                                              9 
##                                    Amara,Ayibatari,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Amara,Welile,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                          Andre 
##                                                             28 
##                                           Andre,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                                    Andre,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Andre,Deacme,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Andre,Folakunmi 
##                                                              9 
##                                    Andre,Folakunmi,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              3 
##                                                  Andre,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Andre,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              4 
##                                    Andre,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Andre,Tolulopeo 
##                                                              2 
##                                 Annabelcute,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      Appleeyes 
##                                                              4 
##                             Ardeybisi,Adenike Oladimeji-Kasumu 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Assel 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Assel,Ayibatari 
##                                                              1 
##                                                       Atrayees 
##                                                             63 
##                                             Atrayees,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                Atrayees,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                       Atrayees,Aiyshaaaa,Deacme,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                             18 
##                               Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing,Chinelsy 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Atrayees,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              6 
##                                             Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                             17 
##                                              Atrayees,Lwaldron 
##                                                              2 
##                                 Atrayees,Lwaldron,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Atrayees,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              4 
##                                             Atrayees,WikiWorks 
##                                                              9 
##                              Atrayees,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Atrayees,WikiWorks,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                    Atrayees,WikiWorks,Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                       Atrayees,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              2 
##                                                      Ayibatari 
##                                                             11 
##                                          Ayibatari,Scholastica 
##                                                             15 
##                                          Ayibatari,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Balogun adekemi,Folakunmi 
##                                                              4 
##                                            Barakat Dindi,Chloe 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Barrakat 
##                                                              4 
##                                    Barrakat,Deacme,KateRasheed 
##                                                             10 
##                                           Barrakat,KateRasheed 
##                                                              7 
##                                   Barrakat,MyleeeA,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Barrakat,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Barrakat,Scholastica 
##                                                              5 
##                                           Barrakat,Svetlana up 
##                                                              3 
##                                Blessing Kaz,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                    BLESSING123 
##                                                              9 
##                                              BLESSING123,Chloe 
##                                                              2 
##                                          BLESSING123,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Boadiwaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                                 Boadiwaa,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Boadiwaa,Chloe,Hodan Issah 
##                                                              1 
##                         Boadiwaa,Chloe,Peace Sandy,Hodan Issah 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Boadiwaa,Chloe,Tolulopeo 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Boadiwaa,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Boadiwaa,Idiaru angela 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Boadiwaa,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##                                                        Bolanle 
##                                                             11 
##                                           Bolanle,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              5 
##                                             Bolanle,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              8 
##                                                  Brian,Suwaiba 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Brian,Suwaiba,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                              BSpac126,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                                  BSpac126,Victoria,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                         Busayo 
##                                                              1 
##                                                  Busayo,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Busayo,Mcarlson,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                                  Cateline Ouma 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Cateline Ouma,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              5 
##                                           Cateline Ouma,Rahila 
##                                                              1 
##                               Cateline Ouma,Rahila,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                       Chikamso 
##                                                              2 
##                                        Chikamso,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##           Chikamso,OdigiriGreat,Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Chikamso,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                       Chinelsy 
##                                                              7 
##                                        Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              9 
##                          Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing,Idiaru angela 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing,Welile 
##                                                              2 
##                                             Chinelsy,Folakunmi 
##                                                             12 
##                                Chinelsy,MyleeeA,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                     Chinelsy,MyleeeA,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Chinelsy,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                            Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                              Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,Davvve,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                                         Chioma 
##                                                              4 
##                                                  Chioma,Fatima 
##                                                              2 
##                                                 ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                            111 
##                                        ChiomaBlessing,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                       ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi 
##                                                             13 
##                            ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                          ChiomaBlessing,Iram jamshed,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                      ChiomaBlessing,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              4 
##                                     ChiomaBlessing,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              3 
##                          ChiomaBlessing,Scholastica,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                                       ChiomaBlessing,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                                         Chisom 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Chiwendeee,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                          Chloe 
##                                                             12 
##                                                      Chloe 256 
##                                                              3 
##                                         Chloe 256,Iram jamshed 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Chloe 256,MyleeeA,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                         Chloe 256,MyleeeA,Folakunmi,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Chloe 256,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                Chloe 256,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Chloe,Kwekuamoo 
##                                                              1 
##                      Chloe,Lorakasselman,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Chloe,Lwaldron,Chinelsy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                    Chloe,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Chloe,WikiWorks 
##                                                              4 
##                                                     Chrisawoke 
##                                                              5 
##                                               Chrisawoke,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Claregrieve1 
##                                                            139 
##                                Claregrieve1,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              2 
##                              Claregrieve1,Aleru002,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Claregrieve1,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                Claregrieve1,Atrayees,WikiWorks 
##                                                              2 
##                          Claregrieve1,Atrayees,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Claregrieve1,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                             Claregrieve1,Chloe,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Claregrieve1,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                Claregrieve1,Davvve,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Claregrieve1,Fatima 
##                                                             10 
##                               Claregrieve1,Fatima,LGeistlinger 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Claregrieve1,Fatima,Yu Wang 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Claregrieve1,Folakunmi 
##                                                              5 
##                                      Claregrieve1,Iram jamshed 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Claregrieve1,Lwaldron 
##                                                              2 
##                                  Claregrieve1,Lwaldron,Suwaiba 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Claregrieve1,Merit 
##                                                              8 
##                                   Claregrieve1,Merit,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##             Claregrieve1,Merit,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Claregrieve1,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              9 
##                                   Claregrieve1,Rukky,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Claregrieve1,Suwaiba 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Claregrieve1,Suwaiba,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Claregrieve1,WikiWorks 
##                                                            252 
##                                Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                          Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                   Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                               Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                                   Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              6 
##                            Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,OdigiriGreat 
##                                                              2 
##                             Cyberian,Chloe,Aiyshaaaa,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Cyberian,Chloe,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Cyberian,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                               Cynthia Anderson 
##                                                             17 
##                                      Cynthia Anderson,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                  Cynthia Anderson,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                        Cynthia Anderson,Fatima 
##                                                              2 
##                                     Cynthia Anderson,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                        Cynthia Anderson,LGeistlinger,WikiWorks 
##                                                              2 
##             Cynthia Anderson,Lwaldron,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Cynthia Anderson,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                       Danyab56 
##                                                              2 
##                                Danyab56,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              5 
##                                                         Davvve 
##                                                              3 
##                          Davvve,Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Davvve,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                               Davvve,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                         Deacme 
##                                                              8 
##                       Deacme,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                 Deacme,Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              4 
##                                                Deacme,Chinelsy 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Deacme,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              9 
##                                        Deacme,Davvve,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                               Deacme,Folakunmi 
##                                                             13 
##                                             Deacme,KateRasheed 
##                                                             41 
##                                             Deacme,Scholastica 
##                                                              3 
##                                Deacme,Yjung24,Davvve,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                           Dupe 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Dupe,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                  Dupe,Atrayees 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Dupe,Mcarlson,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                              Ebere,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                EGO,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                           EGO,Welile,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Ehi,Deacme 
##                                                              3 
##                                         Ehi,Deacme,Scholastica 
##                                                              6 
##                                                  Ehi,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                    Ellajessica 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Ellajessica,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              2 
##                                EniolaAde,Ayibatari,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                            EniolaAde,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                          EniolaAde,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                           EniolaAde,Peace Sandy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                          EniolaAde,Scholastica 
##                                                              8 
##                                             Eve10111,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Eve10111,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                                 FaithAlexander 
##                                                             20 
##                                     FaithAlexander,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                         Fatima 
##                                                             20 
##                                               Fatima,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Fatima,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                  Fatima,Claregrieve1,WikiWorks 
##                                                             11 
##                                     Fatima,Kwekuamoo,WikiWorks 
##                                                              2 
##                                  Fatima,LGeistlinger,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Fatima,Lwaldron,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Fatima,Lwaldron,WikiWorks 
##                                                              3 
##                                         Fatima,Merit,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                         Fatima,Merit,WikiWorks,Lwaldron,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Fatima,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                               Fatima,WikiWorks 
##                                                             32 
##                                Fatima,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                     Fatima,WikiWorks,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                          Fatima,WikiWorks,Merit,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                                       Fcuevas3 
##                                                             21 
##                                    Fcuevas3,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Fcuevas3,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                              Fcuevas3,Atrayees 
##                                                             22 
##                                          Fcuevas3,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              5 
##                                 Fcuevas3,Claregrieve1,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Fcuevas3,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Fcuevas3,Fatima,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                              Fcuevas3,Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              5 
##                                    Fcuevas3,Lwaldron,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Fcuevas3,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              3 
##                                                Fcuevas3,Rimsha 
##                                                              8 
##                                                     Fiddyhamma 
##                                                             64 
##                                      Fiddyhamma,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              4 
##                                           Fiddyhamma,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Fiddyhamma,Ifeanyisam 
##                                                              3 
##                                         Fiddyhamma,KateRasheed 
##                                                             13 
##                 Fiddyhamma,Omojokunoluwatomisin,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Fiddyhamma,Scholastica 
##                                                             12 
##                                         Fiddyhamma,Svetlana up 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Fiddyhamma,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Fiddyhamma,Victoria,Ifeanyisam 
##                                                              6 
##                               Fiddyhamma,Welile,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                                            Flo 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Flo,Scholastica 
##                                                              7 
##                                                      Folakunmi 
##                                                            112 
##                                           Folakunmi,Aananditaa 
##                                                              1 
##                              Folakunmi,Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                             24 
##                               Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                Folakunmi,Davvve,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Folakunmi,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Folakunmi,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Folakunmi,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##               Folakunmi,Peace Sandy,Hodan Issah,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Fortunehechi,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                           Gina 
##                                                             14 
##                                            Glorious,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              2 
##                                  Glorious,Fiddyhamma,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                               Grace og,Hodan Issah,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Grace og,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Graycepaul,Welile,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                         Graycepaul,Welile,Muqtadirat,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                              Greatman,LGeistlinger,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Hamza,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Haoyanzh 
##                                                             20 
##                                              Haoyanzh,Lwaldron 
##                                                              2 
##                                                    Hodan Issah 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Hodan Issah,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                  Idiaru angela 
##                                                             55 
##                                        Idiaru angela,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Idiaru angela,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                       Idiat,Ayibatari,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Idiat,Folakunmi,Aananditaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                                 Idiat,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Idiat,Welile,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Ifeanyisam 
##                                                             41 
##                                              Ifeanyisam,Rahila 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Ifeanyisam,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Ifeanyisam,Victoria 
##                                                              5 
##                                                      Ifyohondu 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Ifyohondu,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                             Ifyohondu,Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              5 
##                                  Ikehdarlington,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                     Ikehdarlington,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                           Iman-Ngwepe,Aleru Divine,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                         Iman-Ngwepe,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              3 
##                                 Iman-Ngwepe,Fiddyhamma,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Imaspecial 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Imaspecial,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                             10 
##                                         Imaspecial,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                         Imaspecial,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                                       InimfonD 
##                                                              3 
##                                           InimfonD,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                               InimfonD,MyleeeA 
##                                                              2 
##                                                InimfonD,Rahila 
##                                                              1 
##                                        InimfonD,Rahila,MyleeeA 
##                                                              3 
##                        Iram jamshed,Hodan Issah,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                          Iram jamshed,Tolulopeo,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              4 
##                                                    Itslanapark 
##                                                             24 
##                       Itslanapark,Adanwa,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Itslanapark,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Itslanapark,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                       Itslanapark,Aiyshaaaa,Davvve,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                              Itslanapark,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Itslanapark,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Itslanapark,Chloe 
##                                                              3 
##                              Itslanapark,Chloe,Aiyshaaaa,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Itslanapark,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              3 
##                             Itslanapark,Claregrieve1,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                              Itslanapark,Claregrieve1,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                        Itslanapark,Claregrieve1,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Itslanapark,Fatima 
##                                                              2 
##                                 Itslanapark,Fatima,Chloe,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Itslanapark,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                     Itslanapark,Peace Sandy,Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Itslanapark,Rimsha 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Jacob A. De Jesus 
##                                                             17 
##                                  Jacob A. De Jesus,Scholastica 
##                                                             10 
##                                                Jacquelynshevin 
##                                                             25 
##                                       Jacquelynshevin,Aleru002 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Jacquelynshevin,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                Jacquelynshevin,Chloe,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Jacquelynshevin,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                               Jacquelynshevin,Fatima,WikiWorks 
##                                                              6 
##                                      Jacquelynshevin,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                                    Jacquelynshevin,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              4 
##                                             Jayybb,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                        Jeshudy 
##                                                             34 
##                                              Jeshudy,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              3 
##                                               Jeshudy,Atrayees 
##                                                              7 
##                                     Jeshudy,Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Jeshudy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Jeshudy,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             34 
##                                                 Jeshudy,Fatima 
##                                                              4 
##                                              Jeshudy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Jeshudy,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Jeshudy,Suwaiba 
##                                                              2 
##                                                     Joan Chuks 
##                                                             25 
##                                Joan Chuks,Adeitan,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              4 
##                                        Joan Chuks,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              4 
##                                      Joan Chuks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              5 
##                          Joan Chuks,ChiomaBlessing,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                            Joan Chuks,Iram jamshed,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Joan Chuks,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                  Joan Chuks,Peace Sandy,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##                              Johnpaul,Aleru Divine,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Joiejoie 
##                                                             16 
##                                          Joiejoie,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              6 
##                                           Joiejoie,KateRasheed 
##                                                             19 
##                                   Joiejoie,MyleeeA,KateRasheed 
##                                                              4 
##                                 Joiejoie,Taofeecoh,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                                           Joju 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Joju,Iram jamshed,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                                 JoyceQ,MyleeeA 
##                                                              2 
##                                         JoyceQ,Rahila,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                                             JoyceQ,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                JoyceQ,Victoria 
##                                                              1 
##                   Joyessa,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Joyessa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             18 
##                                     Joyessa,Claregrieve1,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Joyessa,Fatima,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Junie 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Junie,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                              Junie,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Kadeniyi,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              6 
##                              Kahvecirem,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                        Kahvecirem,Aiyshaaaa,Merit,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              3 
##                                            Kahvecirem,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Kahvecirem,Atrayees,Boadiwaa 
##                                                              1 
##                         Kahvecirem,Atrayees,Merit,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                                  Kahvecirem,Merit,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                                 Kaluifeanyi101 
##                                                             31 
##                           Kaluifeanyi101,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                        Kaluifeanyi101,Atrayees 
##                                                              2 
##                         Kaluifeanyi101,Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                              Kaluifeanyi101,Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                  Kaluifeanyi101,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Kaluifeanyi101,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             16 
##                                          Kaluifeanyi101,Fatima 
##                                                              2 
##                                       Kaluifeanyi101,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                                     Kaluifeanyi101,Peace Sandy 
##                                                             10 
##                                    Karen254.,Chloe,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                         Karima 
##                                                              9 
##                                             Karima,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                                    KateRasheed 
##                                                            476 
##                                       KateRasheed,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              4 
##                                         KateRasheed,Chrisawoke 
##                                                              7 
##                                          KateRasheed,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                            KateRasheed,MyleeeA 
##                                                              8 
##                                        KateRasheed,Svetlana up 
##                                                              1 
##                                         KathyWaldron,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                KathyWaldron,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##          KathyWaldron,WikiWorks,Merit,ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Kavyaayala 
##                                                             51 
##                                             Kaycee,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Keamy 
##                                                              4 
##                                           Keamy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                     Keamy,Glorious,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Keamy,Glorious,Victoria 
##                                                              5 
##                                               Keamy,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                              Keamy,Joan Chuks,MyleeeA,Victoria 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Keamy,Joan Chuks,Victoria 
##                                                              3 
##                                              Keamy,Scholastica 
##                                                              5 
##                                         Kelvin Joseph,Atrayees 
##                                                              6 
##                           Kelvin Joseph,Claregrieve1,WikiWorks 
##                                                              2 
##                                  Khadeeejah,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                            Khadeeejah,Aiyshaaaa,Chloe,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                            Khadeeejah,Atrayees,Chloe,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                               Khadeeejah,Atrayees,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                                      Kwekuamoo 
##                                                             14 
##                                            Kwekuamoo,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Kwekuamoo,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                         Kwekuamoo,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              4 
##                                      Kwekuamoo,Merit,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Kwekuamoo,MyleeeA 
##                                                              5 
##                                                         KwennB 
##                                                              2 
##                              KwennB,Ayibatari,Rahila,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                         Leenaa 
##                                                              7 
##                                              Leenaa,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              4 
##                              Levitest,WikiWorks,Merit,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   LGeistlinger 
##                                                              1 
##                                             LiliGC,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Linda Uchenwoke 
##                                                              2 
##                      Lorakasselman,Aiyshaaaa,Merit,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Lorakasselman,Chloe 
##                                                              2 
##                                     Lorakasselman,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Lwaldron 
##                                                             13 
##                          Lwaldron,Atrayees,WikiWorks,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                Lwaldron,Claregrieve1,WikiWorks 
##                                                              5 
##                          Lwaldron,Claregrieve1,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Lwaldron,Fatima,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Lwaldron,WikiWorks 
##                                                             26 
##                                    Lwaldron,WikiWorks,Atrayees 
##                                                              2 
##                              Lwaldron,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                Lwaldron,WikiWorks,LGeistlinger 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Lwaldron,WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                              4 
##                                 Lwaldron,WikiWorks,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                  Madhubani Dey 
##                                                              8 
##                            Madhubani Dey,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Madhubani Dey,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                                      Madhubani Dey,Chloe,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Madhubani Dey,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             24 
##                              Madhubani Dey,Claregrieve1,Davvve 
##                                                              2 
##                              Madhubani Dey,Fatima,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                             Madhubani Dey,Lwaldron,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Madhubani Dey,Merit 
##                                                              2 
##                                      Madhubani Dey,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Manisha28,KateRasheed 
##                                                              6 
##                                          Manisha28,Svetlana up 
##                                                              4 
##                                                        Manuela 
##                                                             11 
##                                                       Mariposa 
##                                                              4 
##                                         Martha KJ,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                                 Mary Bearkland 
##                                                             38 
##                          Mary Bearkland,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                           Mary Bearkland,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                              Mary Bearkland,Aleru002,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Mary Bearkland,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                        Mary Bearkland,Boadiwaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                  Mary Bearkland,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                             10 
##                                    Mary Bearkland,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             20 
##                                          Mary Bearkland,Fatima 
##                                                              3 
##                                    Mary Bearkland,Fatima,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Mary Bearkland,Folakunmi 
##                                                             15 
##                                  Mary Bearkland,Merit,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                      Mary Bearkland,Muqtadirat 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Mary Bearkland,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              9 
##                           Mary Bearkland,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                           MaryAgekameh,MyleeeA 
##                                                             11 
##                                            Maryemzaki,Lwaldron 
##                                                              2 
##                                             Merit,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Merit,WikiWorks 
##                                                             15 
##                                 Merit,WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                Merit,WikiWorks,Lwaldron,Iram jamshed,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      Miss Lulu 
##                                                             14 
##                                         Miss Lulu,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              6 
##                                                         Mmarin 
##                                                             15 
##                                                Mmarin,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                                            Mmarin,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             13 
##                                               Mmarin,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                             Mmarin,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       ModinatG 
##                                                              4 
##                                             ModinatG,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                 Mojisayo Awolesi,Welile,Fiddyhamma,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                     Muqtadirat 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Muqtadirat,MyleeeA 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Muqtadirat,Victoria 
##                                                              2 
##                                                        MyleeeA 
##                                                            208 
##                                           MyleeeA,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              5 
##                                         MyleeeA,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                             MyleeeA,Chrisawoke 
##                                                              1 
##                                              MyleeeA,Folakunmi 
##                                                             18 
##                                            MyleeeA,KateRasheed 
##                                                              7 
##                                MyleeeA,Mariposa,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                                           MyleeeA,MaryAgekameh 
##                                                              1 
##                                            MyleeeA,Scholastica 
##                                                             13 
##                                                  MyleeeA,Tosin 
##                                                             22 
##                                     MyleeeA,Welile,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Nathcynthia,Rahila,Tosin 
##                                                              4 
##                                              Nathcynthia,Tosin 
##                                                              5 
##                                Ndruscilla,Ayibatari,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              2 
##                                         Ndruscilla,Scholastica 
##                                                              4 
##                                           Nekembe,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                               Nekembe,Aleru Divine,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                         Nice25 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Nityasinghal 14,Junie 
##                                                              2 
##                                    Nityasinghal 14,Scholastica 
##                                                              9 
##                                    Nityasinghal 14,Svetlana up 
##                                                              3 
##                                 Nnadichioma,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                           Nnadichioma,Aiyshaaaa,Merit,Atrayees 
##                                                              2 
##                           Nnadichioma,Atrayees,Aiyshaaaa,Merit 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Nwajei Edgar,Ayibatari,Keamy 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Nwajei Edgar,Deacme 
##                                                              1 
##                                  Nwajei Edgar,Deacme,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                             Nwajei Edgar,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                   OdigiriGreat 
##                                                              2 
##                                    OdigiriGreat,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              8 
##                                         OdigiriGreat,Folakunmi 
##                                                             13 
##                                                   Ojotuleonalo 
##                                                              2 
##                             Ojotuleonalo,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Ombati,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                                          Ombati,Chloe,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Omojokunoluwatomisin 
##                                                              2 
##                                 Omojokunoluwatomisin,Ayibatari 
##                                                              1 
##                               Omojokunoluwatomisin,KateRasheed 
##                                                              5 
##                               Omojokunoluwatomisin,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                               Omojokunoluwatomisin,Scholastica 
##                                                             10 
##                                       Paavni Goyal,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                                  Patience Onah 
##                                                              6 
##                                                    Peace Sandy 
##                                                             92 
##                                           Peace Sandy,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Peace Sandy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                                 PraiseAgbetuyi 
##                                                              2 
##                                     PraiseAgbetuyi,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                         PreciousMike,Ayibatari 
##                                                              2 
##                                                   Princess Ben 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Princess Ben,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Princess Ben,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Princess Ben,Svetlana up 
##                                                              2 
##                                                       Prolific 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Prolific,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Prolific,KateRasheed 
##                                                              5 
##                                                         Rahila 
##                                                             49 
##                                            Rahila,Aleru Divine 
##                                                             26 
##                                          Rahila,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                               Rahila,Folakunmi 
##                                                              6 
##                                             Rahila,KateRasheed 
##                                                              6 
##                                     Rahila,MyleeeA,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Rahila,Scholastica 
##                                                             33 
##                                                       Raihanat 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Raihanat,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              3 
##                                                         Rimsha 
##                                                              4 
##                           Rimsha,Fatima,LGeistlinger,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Rimsha,Fatima,WikiWorks 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Rimsha,Lwaldron 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Rukaya-lab,Rahila,Chrisawoke 
##                                                              1 
##                             Rukaya-lab,Rahila,Chrisawoke,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                           Rukaya-lab,Rahila,Chrisawoke,MyleeeA 
##                                                              3 
##                     Rukaya-lab,Rahila,Chrisawoke,MyleeeA,Chloe 
##                                                              2 
##                                                    Samara.Khan 
##                                                             13 
##                                           Samara.Khan,Atrayees 
##                                                              3 
##                                       Samara.Khan,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              8 
##                             Samara.Khan,Claregrieve1,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Samara.Khan,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Samara.Khan,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                     Samara.Khan,Folakunmi,Welile,Idiaru angela 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Samara.Khan,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Samreen-19 
##                                                             14 
##                                      Samreen-19,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              6 
##                                         Samreen-19,Scholastica 
##                                                              5 
##                                                    Scholastica 
##                                                            195 
##                                          Scholastica,Ayibatari 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Scholastica,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Scholastica,MyleeeA 
##                                                              2 
##                                        Scholastica,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                             Scholastica,Welile 
##                                                              2 
##                                                      Sharmilac 
##                                                              4 
##                                            Sharmilac,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Sharmilac,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              2 
##                                               Sharmilac,Fatima 
##                                                              6 
##                                     Sharmilac,Fatima,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                                                Sharmilac,Merit 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Sharmilac,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      Shulamite 
##                                                              3 
##                                         Shulamite,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                   Shulamite,Deacme,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Shulamite,Ifeanyisam 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Shulamite,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                               Shulamite,Rahila 
##                                                              3 
##                                   Shulamite,Rahila,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                          Shulamite,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                        Sinmisoluwa Adesanya,Chinelsy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              3 
##                 Sinmisoluwa Adesanya,Chinelsy,Folakunmi,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##            Sinmisoluwa Adesanya,Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##     Sinmisoluwa Adesanya,Chinelsy,Peace Sandy,Folakunmi,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Sneha6003,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Snehhumann,Idiaru angela 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Sophy 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Sophy,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              4 
##                                                 Sophy,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                                    Sophy,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Sophy,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              4 
##                            Sophy,Mcarlson,Atrayees,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                   Sproff,Tosin 
##                                                              2 
##                                        Spykelionel,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                        Suwaiba 
##                                                             14 
##                                               Suwaiba,Atrayees 
##                                                              6 
##                                Suwaiba,Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Suwaiba,Atrayees,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                    Svetlana up 
##                                                              4 
##                               Svetlana up,Omojokunoluwatomisin 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      Taofeecoh 
##                                                              8 
##                                             Tayk26,Svetlana up 
##                                                              4 
##                                               Temi,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Temitayo,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Testuser,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                 Testuser,Tolulopeo,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                           Tino 
##                                                              3 
##                                               Tino,KateRasheed 
##                                                              3 
##                                                    Tino,Rahila 
##                                                              2 
##                                                         Tislam 
##                                                             10 
##                                  Tislam,Aiyshaaaa,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Tislam,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Tislam,Atrayees 
##                                                              7 
##                                    Tislam,Atrayees,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Tislam,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              6 
##                                                  Tislam,Fatima 
##                                                              8 
##                                     Tislam,Fatima,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              1 
## Tislam,Lwaldron,Aiyshaaaa,Peace Sandy,Chloe,Chikamso,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Tislam,Peace Sandy 
##                                                             12 
##                               Tislam,Rimsha,Claregrieve1,Merit 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Titas 
##                                                              3 
##                                           Titas,Atrayees,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                                    Titas,Chloe 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Titas,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                              Tolulopeo,Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                        Tolulopeo,Chinelsy,Chloe,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Tolulopeo,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Tolulopeo,Davvve,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                          Tolulopeo,OdigiriGreat,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Tolulopeo,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              4 
##                                       ToluwalaseA,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                              ToluwalaseA,Tosin 
##                                                              2 
##                                                          Tosin 
##                                                             88 
##                                             Tosin,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              4 
##                                              Tosin,KateRasheed 
##                                                              2 
##                                                  Tosin,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Tosin,Nathcynthia 
##                                                              4 
##                                        Toyosiolann,Svetlana up 
##                                                              2 
##                                              Uchechukwu,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Uchechukwu,Davvve,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Ufuoma Ejite 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Ufuoma Ejite,Atrayees 
##                                                              8 
##                                   Ufuoma Ejite,Chloe,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              1 
##                          Ufuoma Ejite,Chloe,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                Ufuoma Ejite,Lwaldron,WikiWorks 
##                                                              7 
##                                   Uhabiba14,Fiddyhamma,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Uhabiba14,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                   Uhabiba14,MyleeeA,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              1 
##                                          Uhabiba14,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Uyokeeswaran,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              2 
##                                                      Valentina 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Valentina,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                      Vandana Maddi,KateRasheed 
##                                                              8 
##                                                       Victoria 
##                                                             75 
##                                          Victoria,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              1 
##                                        Victoria,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                            Victoria,Fiddyhamma 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Victoria,Ifeanyisam 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Wendy640,KateRasheed 
##                                                             12 
##                                             Wendy640,Shulamite 
##                                                              1 
##                                                      WikiWorks 
##                                                            753 
##                                            WikiWorks,Aiyshaaaa 
##                                                              2 
##                                   WikiWorks,Aiyshaaaa,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                             WikiWorks,Atrayees 
##                                                             77 
##                              WikiWorks,Atrayees,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                             15 
##                                   WikiWorks,Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                           WikiWorks,Atrayees,Folakunmi,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                  WikiWorks,Atrayees,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              2 
##                                       WikiWorks,Atrayees,Merit 
##                                                              4 
##                              WikiWorks,Chinelsy,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                       WikiWorks,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                            131 
##                                 WikiWorks,Chloe,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                         WikiWorks,Claregrieve1 
##                                                             13 
##                                               WikiWorks,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                WikiWorks,Davvve,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                                               WikiWorks,Fatima 
##                                                              2 
##                                            WikiWorks,Folakunmi 
##                                                             37 
##                             WikiWorks,Folakunmi,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              1 
##                                    WikiWorks,Folakunmi,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                         WikiWorks,Folakunmi,Scholastica,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##                                     WikiWorks,Folakunmi,Welile 
##                                                              1 
##                                              WikiWorks,Jeshudy 
##                                                              1 
##                                                WikiWorks,Merit 
##                                                             13 
##                                       WikiWorks,Merit,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                             WikiWorks,Merit,Atrayees,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                                 WikiWorks,Merit,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              3 
##                       WikiWorks,Merit,ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                      WikiWorks,Merit,Folakunmi 
##                                                              2 
##                         WikiWorks,Merit,Folakunmi,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              1 
##                                          WikiWorks,Peace Sandy 
##                                                             32 
##                                  WikiWorks,Peace Sandy,MyleeeA 
##                                                              1 
##                                                WikiWorks,Rukky 
##                                                              2 
##                      WikiWorks,Rukky,ChiomaBlessing,Joan Chuks 
##                                                              1 
##                                     WikiWorks,Suwaiba,Atrayees 
##                                                              1 
##                                                  Winnie,Davvve 
##                                                              1 
##                                            Winnie,Iram jamshed 
##                                                              1 
##                                                        Yjung24 
##                                                             30 
##                                               Yjung24,Atrayees 
##                                                              4 
##                                   Yjung24,Atrayees,Peace Sandy 
##                                                              1 
##                                         Yjung24,ChiomaBlessing 
##                                                              2 
##                               Yjung24,ChiomaBlessing,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                       Yjung24,Davvve,Folakunmi 
##                                                              1 
##                                              Yjung24,Folakunmi 
##                                                              4 
##                                            Yjung24,Peace Sandy 
##                                                             14 
##                                                          YokoC 
##                                                             69 
##                                             YokoC,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                              YokoC,KateRasheed 
##                                                              1 
##                                       YokoC,Rahila,Scholastica 
##                                                              1 
##                                              YokoC,Scholastica 
##                                                              2 
##                                                 Yu Wang,Fatima 
##                                                              1 
##                                    Yu Wang,Fatima,Claregrieve1 
##                                                              4 
##                                          Zheeburg,Aleru Divine 
##                                                              2 
##                                           Zheeburg,Scholastica 
##                                                              2

Study stats

Study design

spl <- split(dat[["Study"]], dat[["Study design"]])
sds <- lapply(spl, unique)
sort(lengths(sds), decreasing = FALSE)
##                                       case-control,prospective cohort 
##                                                                     1 
## cross-sectional observational, not case-control,laboratory experiment 
##                                                                     1 
##           prospective cohort,time series / longitudinal observational 
##                                                                     1 
##    cross-sectional observational, not case-control,prospective cohort 
##                                                                     2 
##                                   laboratory experiment,meta-analysis 
##                                                                     2 
##                 case-control,time series / longitudinal observational 
##                                                                     3 
##                                    case-control,laboratory experiment 
##                                                                     4 
##                                            case-control,meta-analysis 
##                                                                     5 
##        laboratory experiment,time series / longitudinal observational 
##                                                                     5 
##                                                         meta-analysis 
##                                                                    11 
##                                           randomized controlled trial 
##                                                                    47 
##                                                    prospective cohort 
##                                                                   103 
##                                                 laboratory experiment 
##                                                                   111 
##                              time series / longitudinal observational 
##                                                                   117 
##                       cross-sectional observational, not case-control 
##                                                                   334 
##                                                          case-control 
##                                                                   507

Experiment stats

Columns of the full dataset that describe experiments:

# Experiment ID
exp.cols <- c("Study", "Experiment")

# Subjects
sub.cols <- c("Host species",    
              "Location of subjects", 
              "Body site",
              "Antibiotics exclusion",
              "Group 0 sample size",
              "Group 1 sample size")

# Lab analysis              
lab.cols <-  c("Sequencing type",
              "16S variable region",
              "Sequencing platform")

# Statistical analysis
stat.cols <-  c("Statistical test",
              "MHT correction",
              "Significance threshold")

# Alpha diversity
div.cols <- c("Pielou",
              "Inverse Simpson",

Restrict dataset to experiment information:

exps <- dat[,c(exp.cols, sub.cols, lab.cols, stat.cols, div.cols)]
exps <- unique(exps)


Number of experiments for the top 10 categories for each subjects column: <- lapply(sub.cols[1:5], tabCol, df = exps, n = 10)
names( <- sub.cols[1:5]
## $`Host species`
##            Homo sapiens            Mus musculus  Canis lupus familiaris 
##                    3428                     408                      69 
##   Sus scrofa domesticus       Rattus norvegicus           Not specified 
##                      69                      38                      23 
##            Capra hircus          Macaca mulatta              Bos taurus 
##                      14                      13                      12 
## Chlorocebus pygerythrus 
##                      12 
## $`Location of subjects`
##                    China United States of America                  Denmark 
##                     1151                      829                      150 
##                    Japan                    Italy                  Germany 
##                      139                      106                      100 
##              South Korea                Australia                   Canada 
##                       96                       89                       86 
##                    Spain 
##                       84 
## $`Body site`
##                     Feces                    Saliva                    Vagina 
##                      2460                       275                        88 
##                     Mouth               Nasopharynx              Skin of body 
##                        62                        48                        47 
## Subgingival dental plaque            Uterine cervix                    Throat 
##                        47                        44                        36 
##                     Colon 
##                        35 
## $Condition
## Parkinson's disease             Obesity   Colorectal cancer                Diet 
##                 165                 136                 119                 118 
##            COVID-19       Atopic eczema Antimicrobial agent Alzheimer's disease 
##                 116                  90                  85                  76 
## Extraction protocol       HIV infection 
##                  69                  63 
## $`Antibiotics exclusion`
## 3 months  1 month 2 months 6 months  2 weeks  4 weeks      N/A  30 days 
##      415      320      191      146      116       83       39       24 
## 6 Months   1 week 
##       22       15

Proportions instead: <- lapply(sub.cols[1:5], tabCol, df = exps, n = 10, perc = TRUE)
names( <- sub.cols[1:5]
## $`Host species`
##            Homo sapiens            Mus musculus  Canis lupus familiaris 
##                 0.81600                 0.09710                 0.01640 
##   Sus scrofa domesticus       Rattus norvegicus           Not specified 
##                 0.01640                 0.00905                 0.00548 
##            Capra hircus          Macaca mulatta              Bos taurus 
##                 0.00333                 0.00310                 0.00286 
## Chlorocebus pygerythrus 
##                 0.00286 
## $`Location of subjects`
##                    China United States of America                  Denmark 
##                   0.2740                   0.1980                   0.0357 
##                    Japan                    Italy                  Germany 
##                   0.0331                   0.0253                   0.0238 
##              South Korea                Australia                   Canada 
##                   0.0229                   0.0212                   0.0205 
##                    Spain 
##                   0.0200 
## $`Body site`
##                     Feces                    Saliva                    Vagina 
##                   0.58600                   0.06550                   0.02100 
##                     Mouth               Nasopharynx              Skin of body 
##                   0.01480                   0.01140                   0.01120 
## Subgingival dental plaque            Uterine cervix                    Throat 
##                   0.01120                   0.01050                   0.00857 
##                     Colon 
##                   0.00833 
## $Condition
## Parkinson's disease             Obesity   Colorectal cancer                Diet 
##              0.0393              0.0324              0.0283              0.0281 
##            COVID-19       Atopic eczema Antimicrobial agent Alzheimer's disease 
##              0.0276              0.0214              0.0202              0.0181 
## Extraction protocol       HIV infection 
##              0.0164              0.0150 
## $`Antibiotics exclusion`
## 3 months  1 month 2 months 6 months  2 weeks  4 weeks      N/A  30 days 
##  0.20600  0.15900  0.09500  0.07260  0.05770  0.04130  0.01940  0.01190 
## 6 Months   1 week 
##  0.01090  0.00746

Sample size:

ssize <- apply(exps[,sub.cols[6:7]], 2, summary)
##         Group 0 sample size Group 1 sample size
## Min.                 0.0000              1.0000
## 1st Qu.             12.0000             11.0000
## Median              25.0000             22.0000
## Mean               510.8652             67.1863
## 3rd Qu.             51.0000             44.0000
## Max.            344569.0000           9623.0000
## NA's               336.0000            330.0000

Lab analysis

Number of experiments for the top 10 categories for each lab analysis column: <- lapply(lab.cols, tabCol, df = exps, n = 10)
names( <- lab.cols
## $`Sequencing type`
##        16S        WMS        PCR ITS / ITS2        18S 
##       3514        576         52         25          1 
## $`16S variable region`
##       34        4       12      123       45      345        3       56 
##     1294     1009      277      212      130      129       54       27 
##       23 23456789 
##       21       17 
## $`Sequencing platform`
##                    Illumina                    Roche454 
##                        3374                         314 
##                 Ion Torrent                     RT-qPCR 
##                         194                         103 
##                 MGISEQ-2000                   PacBio RS 
##                          37                          23 
## Human Intestinal Tract Chip       BGISEQ-500 Sequencing 
##                          16                          13 
##           Illumina,Roche454           Mass spectrometry 
##                          11                          10

Proportions instead: <- lapply(lab.cols, tabCol, df = exps, n = 10, perc = TRUE)
names( <- lab.cols
## $`Sequencing type`
##        16S        WMS        PCR ITS / ITS2        18S 
##    0.84300    0.13800    0.01250    0.00600    0.00024 
## $`16S variable region`
##       34        4       12      123       45      345        3       56 
##  0.39600  0.30900  0.08490  0.06500  0.03980  0.03950  0.01650  0.00827 
##       23 23456789 
##  0.00643  0.00521 
## $`Sequencing platform`
##                    Illumina                    Roche454 
##                     0.81700                     0.07600 
##                 Ion Torrent                     RT-qPCR 
##                     0.04700                     0.02490 
##                 MGISEQ-2000                   PacBio RS 
##                     0.00896                     0.00557 
## Human Intestinal Tract Chip       BGISEQ-500 Sequencing 
##                     0.00387                     0.00315 
##           Illumina,Roche454           Mass spectrometry 
##                     0.00266                     0.00242

Statistical analysis

Number of experiments for the top 10 categories for each statistical analysis column: <- lapply(stat.cols, tabCol, df = exps, n = 10)
names( <- stat.cols
## $`Statistical test`
##                   LEfSe Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon)                  DESeq2 
##                    1363                     693                     478 
##       Linear Regression         Kruskall-Wallis                   ANOVA 
##                     203                     196                     173 
##                   ANCOM                  T-Test                MaAsLin2 
##                     155                     142                     109 
##               Metastats 
##                      62 
## $`MHT correction`
##  2224  1588 
## $`Significance threshold`
##  0.05   0.1  0.01 0.001  0.25   0.2  0.15     2 0.005 1e-04 
##  3593   255    99    28    27    22    19    15    13     6

Proportions instead: <- lapply(stat.cols, tabCol, df = exps, n = 10, perc = TRUE)
names( <- stat.cols
## $`Statistical test`
##                   LEfSe Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon)                  DESeq2 
##                  0.3310                  0.1680                  0.1160 
##       Linear Regression         Kruskall-Wallis                   ANOVA 
##                  0.0492                  0.0475                  0.0420 
##                   ANCOM                  T-Test                MaAsLin2 
##                  0.0376                  0.0344                  0.0264 
##               Metastats 
##                  0.0150 
## $`MHT correction`
## 0.583 0.417 
## $`Significance threshold`
##    0.05     0.1    0.01   0.001    0.25     0.2    0.15       2   0.005   1e-04 
## 0.87700 0.06220 0.02420 0.00683 0.00659 0.00537 0.00464 0.00366 0.00317 0.00146

Alpha diversity

Overall distribution:

apply(exps[,div.cols], 2, table)
##           Pielou Shannon Chao1 Simpson Inverse Simpson Richness
## decreased     36     595   372     173              59      364
## increased     27     470   255     130              30      271
## unchanged    132    1551   731     583             170      745

Correspondence of Shannon diversity and Richness:

table(exps$Shannon, exps$Richness)
##             decreased increased unchanged
##   decreased       198        11        41
##   increased         9       136        46
##   unchanged        75        74       593

Conditions with consistently increased or decreased alpha diversity:

tabDiv(exps, "Shannon", "Condition")
##                                                           increased decreased
## COVID-19                                                          9        24
## Obesity                                                           3        16
## HIV infection                                                     1        12
## Clostridium difficile infection                                  10         0
## Dry eye syndrome                                                  1        11
## Systemic inflammatory response syndrome                           5        15
## Human papilloma virus infection                                  10         1
## Gastric cancer                                                    6        14
## Treatment outcome measurement                                     3        11
## Ulcerative colitis                                                0         8
## Age                                                               5        12
## Aging                                                             0         7
## Alzheimer's disease                                               2         9
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                         0         7
## Atopic eczema                                                     5        11
## Autism spectrum disorder                                          7         1
## Cesarean section                                                  6         0
## Epilepsy                                                          6         0
## Lung cancer                                                       2         8
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant         0         6
## Urinary tract infection                                           0         6
## Cervical cancer                                                   5         0
## Diet                                                             14        19
## Helminthiasis                                                     5         0
## Population                                                        2         7
## Spontaneous preterm birth                                        12         7
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                      0         4
## Acute pancreatitis                                                0         4
## Colorectal cancer                                                10        14
## Crohn's disease                                                   0         4
## Endometrial cancer                                                4         0
## Ethnic group                                                      3         7
## Food allergy                                                      6         2
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                      0         4
## Hypertension                                                      7         3
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                          1         5
## Parkinson's disease                                              18        14
## Periodontitis                                                     5         1
## Pregnancy                                                         4         0
## Response to antibiotic                                            0         4
## Alcohol drinking                                                  3         0
## Atopic asthma                                                     4         1
## Birth measurement                                                 3         0
## Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                             3         0
## Delivery method                                                   1         4
## Diarrhea                                                          6         3
## Extraction protocol                                              23        26
## Male homosexuality                                                3         0
## Oral lichen planus                                                3         0
## Schizophrenia                                                     1         4
## Age at assessment                                                 3         1
## Antimicrobial agent                                               8        10
## Breed                                                             0         2
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                      2         0
## Chronic kidney disease                                            2         4
## Cognitive impairment                                              1         3
## Depressive disorder                                               0         2
## Eczema                                                            0         2
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                         0         2
## Iron biomarker measurement                                        1         3
## Milk allergic reaction                                            2         0
## Oral squamous cell carcinoma                                      2         0
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                       2         0
## Phenylketonuria                                                   1         3
## Response to anti-tuberculosis drug                                8        10
## Response to antiviral drug                                        2         4
## Response to diet                                                  3         1
## Response to immunochemotherapy                                    3         1
## Response to ketogenic diet                                        0         2
## Sampling site                                                     3         1
## Smoking behavior                                                 10         8
## Squamous cell carcinoma                                           2         0
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                          0         2
## Stroke                                                            2         0
## Acute respiratory failure                                         6         5
## Air pollution                                                     7         6
## Anxiety disorder                                                  0         1
## Breast cancer                                                     3         4
## Breastfeeding duration                                            2         3
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                             1         2
## Chronic fatigue syndrome                                          0         1
## Chronic hepatitis B virus infection                               0         1
## Diabetes mellitus                                                 0         1
## Endometriosis                                                     2         3
## Esophageal cancer                                                 1         2
## Gestational diabetes                                              1         0
## Hepatocellular carcinoma                                          0         1
## Hypertrophy                                                       1         0
## Lifestyle measurement                                             0         1
## Multiple sclerosis                                                0         1
## Oral cavity carcinoma                                             0         1
## Pancreatic carcinoma                                              0         1
## Psoriasis                                                         1         0
## Response to vaccine                                               1         0
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                              5         4
## Sample treatment protocol                                         1         0
## Sampling time                                                     4         3
## Social interaction measurement                                    2         1
## Socioeconomic status                                              3         4
## Vesicle membrane                                                  3         2
## Vitiligo                                                          0         1
## Acute myeloid leukemia                                            1         1
## Arthritis                                                         0         0
## Asthma                                                            1         1
## Bipolar disorder                                                  0         0
## Celiac disease                                                    0         0
## Colorectal adenoma                                                2         2
## Contraception                                                     0         0
## COVID-19 symptoms measurement                                     0         0
## Disease progression measurement                                   0         0
## Health study participation                                        2         2
## HIV mother to child transmission                                  0         0
## Lactose intolerance                                               0         0
## Lung transplantation                                              2         2
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                     0         0
## Ovarian cancer                                                    3         3
## Phenotype                                                         2         2
## Response to transplant                                            3         3
## SARS coronavirus                                                  0         0
## Simian immunodeficiency virus infection                           0         0
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                         2         2
## Viral load                                                        0         0
## Waist circumference                                               0         0
##                                                           unchanged
## COVID-19                                                         42
## Obesity                                                          55
## HIV infection                                                    24
## Clostridium difficile infection                                   1
## Dry eye syndrome                                                 11
## Systemic inflammatory response syndrome                           4
## Human papilloma virus infection                                  26
## Gastric cancer                                                   26
## Treatment outcome measurement                                    25
## Ulcerative colitis                                                3
## Age                                                               8
## Aging                                                             0
## Alzheimer's disease                                              24
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                         8
## Atopic eczema                                                    72
## Autism spectrum disorder                                          8
## Cesarean section                                                 16
## Epilepsy                                                          5
## Lung cancer                                                       5
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant         0
## Urinary tract infection                                           8
## Cervical cancer                                                   5
## Diet                                                             36
## Helminthiasis                                                     8
## Population                                                       25
## Spontaneous preterm birth                                         5
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                      5
## Acute pancreatitis                                                2
## Colorectal cancer                                                43
## Crohn's disease                                                   4
## Endometrial cancer                                                3
## Ethnic group                                                      6
## Food allergy                                                     18
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                      5
## Hypertension                                                      6
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                         12
## Parkinson's disease                                              70
## Periodontitis                                                    10
## Pregnancy                                                         2
## Response to antibiotic                                            6
## Alcohol drinking                                                  2
## Atopic asthma                                                     7
## Birth measurement                                                 4
## Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                             2
## Delivery method                                                   2
## Diarrhea                                                          6
## Extraction protocol                                              20
## Male homosexuality                                                6
## Oral lichen planus                                                4
## Schizophrenia                                                    14
## Age at assessment                                                 1
## Antimicrobial agent                                              25
## Breed                                                             7
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                      9
## Chronic kidney disease                                            3
## Cognitive impairment                                              8
## Depressive disorder                                               4
## Eczema                                                           10
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                         4
## Iron biomarker measurement                                        2
## Milk allergic reaction                                            5
## Oral squamous cell carcinoma                                      3
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                      10
## Phenylketonuria                                                   4
## Response to anti-tuberculosis drug                               13
## Response to antiviral drug                                        5
## Response to diet                                                  5
## Response to immunochemotherapy                                    3
## Response to ketogenic diet                                        4
## Sampling site                                                     7
## Smoking behavior                                                 20
## Squamous cell carcinoma                                           4
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                          4
## Stroke                                                           15
## Acute respiratory failure                                         0
## Air pollution                                                     3
## Anxiety disorder                                                  7
## Breast cancer                                                    16
## Breastfeeding duration                                            5
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                             2
## Chronic fatigue syndrome                                          4
## Chronic hepatitis B virus infection                               5
## Diabetes mellitus                                                 5
## Endometriosis                                                    11
## Esophageal cancer                                                 2
## Gestational diabetes                                             31
## Hepatocellular carcinoma                                          6
## Hypertrophy                                                       4
## Lifestyle measurement                                             8
## Multiple sclerosis                                               15
## Oral cavity carcinoma                                             7
## Pancreatic carcinoma                                              4
## Psoriasis                                                         4
## Response to vaccine                                               5
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                              9
## Sample treatment protocol                                         4
## Sampling time                                                     5
## Social interaction measurement                                    6
## Socioeconomic status                                              8
## Vesicle membrane                                                  1
## Vitiligo                                                          4
## Acute myeloid leukemia                                            4
## Arthritis                                                         6
## Asthma                                                           14
## Bipolar disorder                                                  5
## Celiac disease                                                    6
## Colorectal adenoma                                               10
## Contraception                                                     5
## COVID-19 symptoms measurement                                     5
## Disease progression measurement                                   5
## Health study participation                                       18
## HIV mother to child transmission                                  8
## Lactose intolerance                                               5
## Lung transplantation                                              2
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                     5
## Ovarian cancer                                                   27
## Phenotype                                                        19
## Response to transplant                                           12
## SARS coronavirus                                                  6
## Simian immunodeficiency virus infection                           5
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                        23
## Viral load                                                        6
## Waist circumference                                               5
tabDiv(exps, "Shannon", "Condition", perc = TRUE)
##                                                           increased decreased
## COVID-19                                                      0.120     0.320
## Obesity                                                       0.041     0.220
## HIV infection                                                 0.027     0.320
## Clostridium difficile infection                               0.910     0.000
## Dry eye syndrome                                              0.043     0.480
## Systemic inflammatory response syndrome                       0.210     0.620
## Human papilloma virus infection                               0.270     0.027
## Gastric cancer                                                0.130     0.300
## Treatment outcome measurement                                 0.077     0.280
## Ulcerative colitis                                            0.000     0.730
## Age                                                           0.200     0.480
## Aging                                                         0.000     1.000
## Alzheimer's disease                                           0.057     0.260
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                     0.000     0.470
## Atopic eczema                                                 0.057     0.120
## Autism spectrum disorder                                      0.440     0.062
## Cesarean section                                              0.270     0.000
## Epilepsy                                                      0.550     0.000
## Lung cancer                                                   0.130     0.530
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant     0.000     1.000
## Urinary tract infection                                       0.000     0.430
## Cervical cancer                                               0.500     0.000
## Diet                                                          0.200     0.280
## Helminthiasis                                                 0.380     0.000
## Population                                                    0.059     0.210
## Spontaneous preterm birth                                     0.500     0.290
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                  0.000     0.440
## Acute pancreatitis                                            0.000     0.670
## Colorectal cancer                                             0.150     0.210
## Crohn's disease                                               0.000     0.500
## Endometrial cancer                                            0.570     0.000
## Ethnic group                                                  0.190     0.440
## Food allergy                                                  0.230     0.077
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                  0.000     0.440
## Hypertension                                                  0.440     0.190
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                      0.056     0.280
## Parkinson's disease                                           0.180     0.140
## Periodontitis                                                 0.310     0.062
## Pregnancy                                                     0.670     0.000
## Response to antibiotic                                        0.000     0.400
## Alcohol drinking                                              0.600     0.000
## Atopic asthma                                                 0.330     0.083
## Birth measurement                                             0.430     0.000
## Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                         0.600     0.000
## Delivery method                                               0.140     0.570
## Diarrhea                                                      0.400     0.200
## Extraction protocol                                           0.330     0.380
## Male homosexuality                                            0.330     0.000
## Oral lichen planus                                            0.430     0.000
## Schizophrenia                                                 0.053     0.210
## Age at assessment                                             0.600     0.200
## Antimicrobial agent                                           0.190     0.230
## Breed                                                         0.000     0.220
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                  0.180     0.000
## Chronic kidney disease                                        0.220     0.440
## Cognitive impairment                                          0.083     0.250
## Depressive disorder                                           0.000     0.330
## Eczema                                                        0.000     0.170
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                     0.000     0.330
## Iron biomarker measurement                                    0.170     0.500
## Milk allergic reaction                                        0.290     0.000
## Oral squamous cell carcinoma                                  0.400     0.000
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                   0.170     0.000
## Phenylketonuria                                               0.120     0.380
## Response to anti-tuberculosis drug                            0.260     0.320
## Response to antiviral drug                                    0.180     0.360
## Response to diet                                              0.330     0.110
## Response to immunochemotherapy                                0.430     0.140
## Response to ketogenic diet                                    0.000     0.330
## Sampling site                                                 0.270     0.091
## Smoking behavior                                              0.260     0.210
## Squamous cell carcinoma                                       0.330     0.000
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                      0.000     0.330
## Stroke                                                        0.120     0.000
## Acute respiratory failure                                     0.550     0.450
## Air pollution                                                 0.440     0.380
## Anxiety disorder                                              0.000     0.120
## Breast cancer                                                 0.130     0.170
## Breastfeeding duration                                        0.200     0.300
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                         0.200     0.400
## Chronic fatigue syndrome                                      0.000     0.200
## Chronic hepatitis B virus infection                           0.000     0.170
## Diabetes mellitus                                             0.000     0.170
## Endometriosis                                                 0.120     0.190
## Esophageal cancer                                             0.200     0.400
## Gestational diabetes                                          0.031     0.000
## Hepatocellular carcinoma                                      0.000     0.140
## Hypertrophy                                                   0.200     0.000
## Lifestyle measurement                                         0.000     0.110
## Multiple sclerosis                                            0.000     0.062
## Oral cavity carcinoma                                         0.000     0.120
## Pancreatic carcinoma                                          0.000     0.200
## Psoriasis                                                     0.200     0.000
## Response to vaccine                                           0.170     0.000
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                          0.280     0.220
## Sample treatment protocol                                     0.200     0.000
## Sampling time                                                 0.330     0.250
## Social interaction measurement                                0.220     0.110
## Socioeconomic status                                          0.200     0.270
## Vesicle membrane                                              0.500     0.330
## Vitiligo                                                      0.000     0.200
## Acute myeloid leukemia                                        0.170     0.170
## Arthritis                                                     0.000     0.000
## Asthma                                                        0.062     0.062
## Bipolar disorder                                              0.000     0.000
## Celiac disease                                                0.000     0.000
## Colorectal adenoma                                            0.140     0.140
## Contraception                                                 0.000     0.000
## COVID-19 symptoms measurement                                 0.000     0.000
## Disease progression measurement                               0.000     0.000
## Health study participation                                    0.091     0.091
## HIV mother to child transmission                              0.000     0.000
## Lactose intolerance                                           0.000     0.000
## Lung transplantation                                          0.330     0.330
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                 0.000     0.000
## Ovarian cancer                                                0.091     0.091
## Phenotype                                                     0.087     0.087
## Response to transplant                                        0.170     0.170
## SARS coronavirus                                              0.000     0.000
## Simian immunodeficiency virus infection                       0.000     0.000
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                     0.074     0.074
## Viral load                                                    0.000     0.000
## Waist circumference                                           0.000     0.000
##                                                           unchanged
## COVID-19                                                      0.560
## Obesity                                                       0.740
## HIV infection                                                 0.650
## Clostridium difficile infection                               0.091
## Dry eye syndrome                                              0.480
## Systemic inflammatory response syndrome                       0.170
## Human papilloma virus infection                               0.700
## Gastric cancer                                                0.570
## Treatment outcome measurement                                 0.640
## Ulcerative colitis                                            0.270
## Age                                                           0.320
## Aging                                                         0.000
## Alzheimer's disease                                           0.690
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                     0.530
## Atopic eczema                                                 0.820
## Autism spectrum disorder                                      0.500
## Cesarean section                                              0.730
## Epilepsy                                                      0.450
## Lung cancer                                                   0.330
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant     0.000
## Urinary tract infection                                       0.570
## Cervical cancer                                               0.500
## Diet                                                          0.520
## Helminthiasis                                                 0.620
## Population                                                    0.740
## Spontaneous preterm birth                                     0.210
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                  0.560
## Acute pancreatitis                                            0.330
## Colorectal cancer                                             0.640
## Crohn's disease                                               0.500
## Endometrial cancer                                            0.430
## Ethnic group                                                  0.380
## Food allergy                                                  0.690
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                  0.560
## Hypertension                                                  0.380
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                      0.670
## Parkinson's disease                                           0.690
## Periodontitis                                                 0.620
## Pregnancy                                                     0.330
## Response to antibiotic                                        0.600
## Alcohol drinking                                              0.400
## Atopic asthma                                                 0.580
## Birth measurement                                             0.570
## Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                         0.400
## Delivery method                                               0.290
## Diarrhea                                                      0.400
## Extraction protocol                                           0.290
## Male homosexuality                                            0.670
## Oral lichen planus                                            0.570
## Schizophrenia                                                 0.740
## Age at assessment                                             0.200
## Antimicrobial agent                                           0.580
## Breed                                                         0.780
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                  0.820
## Chronic kidney disease                                        0.330
## Cognitive impairment                                          0.670
## Depressive disorder                                           0.670
## Eczema                                                        0.830
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                     0.670
## Iron biomarker measurement                                    0.330
## Milk allergic reaction                                        0.710
## Oral squamous cell carcinoma                                  0.600
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                   0.830
## Phenylketonuria                                               0.500
## Response to anti-tuberculosis drug                            0.420
## Response to antiviral drug                                    0.450
## Response to diet                                              0.560
## Response to immunochemotherapy                                0.430
## Response to ketogenic diet                                    0.670
## Sampling site                                                 0.640
## Smoking behavior                                              0.530
## Squamous cell carcinoma                                       0.670
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                      0.670
## Stroke                                                        0.880
## Acute respiratory failure                                     0.000
## Air pollution                                                 0.190
## Anxiety disorder                                              0.880
## Breast cancer                                                 0.700
## Breastfeeding duration                                        0.500
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                         0.400
## Chronic fatigue syndrome                                      0.800
## Chronic hepatitis B virus infection                           0.830
## Diabetes mellitus                                             0.830
## Endometriosis                                                 0.690
## Esophageal cancer                                             0.400
## Gestational diabetes                                          0.970
## Hepatocellular carcinoma                                      0.860
## Hypertrophy                                                   0.800
## Lifestyle measurement                                         0.890
## Multiple sclerosis                                            0.940
## Oral cavity carcinoma                                         0.880
## Pancreatic carcinoma                                          0.800
## Psoriasis                                                     0.800
## Response to vaccine                                           0.830
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                          0.500
## Sample treatment protocol                                     0.800
## Sampling time                                                 0.420
## Social interaction measurement                                0.670
## Socioeconomic status                                          0.530
## Vesicle membrane                                              0.170
## Vitiligo                                                      0.800
## Acute myeloid leukemia                                        0.670
## Arthritis                                                     1.000
## Asthma                                                        0.880
## Bipolar disorder                                              1.000
## Celiac disease                                                1.000
## Colorectal adenoma                                            0.710
## Contraception                                                 1.000
## COVID-19 symptoms measurement                                 1.000
## Disease progression measurement                               1.000
## Health study participation                                    0.820
## HIV mother to child transmission                              1.000
## Lactose intolerance                                           1.000
## Lung transplantation                                          0.330
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                 1.000
## Ovarian cancer                                                0.820
## Phenotype                                                     0.830
## Response to transplant                                        0.670
## SARS coronavirus                                              1.000
## Simian immunodeficiency virus infection                       1.000
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                     0.850
## Viral load                                                    1.000
## Waist circumference                                           1.000
tabDiv(exps, "Richness", "Condition")
##                                                           increased decreased
## Diet                                                              4        19
## Helminthiasis                                                    13         0
## HIV infection                                                     3        15
## Parkinson's disease                                              15        27
## Treatment outcome measurement                                     2        14
## COVID-19                                                          9        20
## Phenotype                                                         9         1
## Diarrhea                                                          8         1
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                         0         6
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant         0         6
## Alcohol drinking                                                  5         0
## Antimicrobial agent                                               2         7
## Gestational diabetes                                              1         6
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                      1         6
## Human papilloma virus infection                                   7         2
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                          0         5
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                      5         1
## Age                                                               1         5
## Air pollution                                                     9         5
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                      4         0
## Dry eye syndrome                                                  0         4
## Endometriosis                                                     4         0
## Epilepsy                                                          4         0
## Periodontitis                                                     5         1
## Schizophrenia                                                     1         5
## Vesicle membrane                                                  5         1
## Atopic asthma                                                     4         1
## Delivery method                                                   4         1
## Food allergy                                                      0         3
## Gastric cancer                                                    5         8
## Hypertrophy                                                       3         0
## Iron biomarker measurement                                        1         4
## Asthma                                                            2         0
## Autism spectrum disorder                                          4         6
## Breast cancer                                                     2         0
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                         0         2
## Hypertension                                                      1         3
## Phenylketonuria                                                   1         3
## Smoking behavior                                                  6         8
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                          0         2
## Alzheimer's disease                                               6         5
## Atopic eczema                                                     2         1
## Breastfeeding duration                                            1         0
## Cesarean section                                                  3         2
## Colorectal adenoma                                                1         2
## Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma                             0         1
## Health study participation                                        1         0
## Inflammatory bowel disease                                        2         3
## Lung cancer                                                       0         1
## Obesity                                                           8         7
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                     0         1
## Ovarian cancer                                                    1         0
## Psoriasis                                                         0         1
## Response to transplant                                            0         1
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                              3         4
## Sampling site                                                     1         2
## Socioeconomic status                                              2         1
## Transport                                                         1         2
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                         2         3
## Urinary tract infection                                           0         1
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                             1         1
## Colorectal cancer                                                 6         6
## Ethnic group                                                      2         2
## HIV mother to child transmission                                  0         0
## Male homosexuality                                                0         0
## Multiple sclerosis                                                0         0
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                       0         0
## Physical activity                                                 2         2
## Stroke                                                            2         2
## Viral load                                                        0         0
##                                                           unchanged
## Diet                                                             12
## Helminthiasis                                                     0
## HIV infection                                                    10
## Parkinson's disease                                              23
## Treatment outcome measurement                                    21
## COVID-19                                                         24
## Phenotype                                                        11
## Diarrhea                                                          4
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                         1
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant         0
## Alcohol drinking                                                  0
## Antimicrobial agent                                              10
## Gestational diabetes                                             23
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                      2
## Human papilloma virus infection                                  12
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                          9
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                      0
## Age                                                               1
## Air pollution                                                     6
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                      2
## Dry eye syndrome                                                  3
## Endometriosis                                                     6
## Epilepsy                                                          1
## Periodontitis                                                     6
## Schizophrenia                                                     8
## Vesicle membrane                                                  0
## Atopic asthma                                                     7
## Delivery method                                                   1
## Food allergy                                                      9
## Gastric cancer                                                   14
## Hypertrophy                                                       2
## Iron biomarker measurement                                        1
## Asthma                                                           10
## Autism spectrum disorder                                          0
## Breast cancer                                                     7
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                         4
## Hypertension                                                      6
## Phenylketonuria                                                   4
## Smoking behavior                                                  8
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                          3
## Alzheimer's disease                                              22
## Atopic eczema                                                     6
## Breastfeeding duration                                            5
## Cesarean section                                                 10
## Colorectal adenoma                                               11
## Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma                             4
## Health study participation                                       11
## Inflammatory bowel disease                                        0
## Lung cancer                                                       8
## Obesity                                                          19
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                     4
## Ovarian cancer                                                   30
## Psoriasis                                                         5
## Response to transplant                                            8
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                              1
## Sampling site                                                     2
## Socioeconomic status                                              2
## Transport                                                         3
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                         9
## Urinary tract infection                                           6
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                             3
## Colorectal cancer                                                19
## Ethnic group                                                      1
## HIV mother to child transmission                                  8
## Male homosexuality                                                9
## Multiple sclerosis                                               17
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                      12
## Physical activity                                                 1
## Stroke                                                           16
## Viral load                                                        5
tabDiv(exps, "Richness", "Condition", perc = TRUE)
##                                                           increased decreased
## Diet                                                          0.110     0.540
## Helminthiasis                                                 1.000     0.000
## HIV infection                                                 0.110     0.540
## Parkinson's disease                                           0.230     0.420
## Treatment outcome measurement                                 0.054     0.380
## COVID-19                                                      0.170     0.380
## Phenotype                                                     0.430     0.048
## Diarrhea                                                      0.620     0.077
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                     0.000     0.860
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant     0.000     1.000
## Alcohol drinking                                              1.000     0.000
## Antimicrobial agent                                           0.110     0.370
## Gestational diabetes                                          0.033     0.200
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                  0.110     0.670
## Human papilloma virus infection                               0.330     0.095
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                      0.000     0.360
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                  0.830     0.170
## Age                                                           0.140     0.710
## Air pollution                                                 0.450     0.250
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                  0.670     0.000
## Dry eye syndrome                                              0.000     0.570
## Endometriosis                                                 0.400     0.000
## Epilepsy                                                      0.800     0.000
## Periodontitis                                                 0.420     0.083
## Schizophrenia                                                 0.071     0.360
## Vesicle membrane                                              0.830     0.170
## Atopic asthma                                                 0.330     0.083
## Delivery method                                               0.670     0.170
## Food allergy                                                  0.000     0.250
## Gastric cancer                                                0.190     0.300
## Hypertrophy                                                   0.600     0.000
## Iron biomarker measurement                                    0.170     0.670
## Asthma                                                        0.170     0.000
## Autism spectrum disorder                                      0.400     0.600
## Breast cancer                                                 0.220     0.000
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                     0.000     0.330
## Hypertension                                                  0.100     0.300
## Phenylketonuria                                               0.120     0.380
## Smoking behavior                                              0.270     0.360
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                      0.000     0.400
## Alzheimer's disease                                           0.180     0.150
## Atopic eczema                                                 0.220     0.110
## Breastfeeding duration                                        0.170     0.000
## Cesarean section                                              0.200     0.130
## Colorectal adenoma                                            0.071     0.140
## Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma                         0.000     0.200
## Health study participation                                    0.083     0.000
## Inflammatory bowel disease                                    0.400     0.600
## Lung cancer                                                   0.000     0.110
## Obesity                                                       0.240     0.210
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                 0.000     0.200
## Ovarian cancer                                                0.032     0.000
## Psoriasis                                                     0.000     0.170
## Response to transplant                                        0.000     0.110
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                          0.380     0.500
## Sampling site                                                 0.200     0.400
## Socioeconomic status                                          0.400     0.200
## Transport                                                     0.170     0.330
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                     0.140     0.210
## Urinary tract infection                                       0.000     0.140
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                         0.200     0.200
## Colorectal cancer                                             0.190     0.190
## Ethnic group                                                  0.400     0.400
## HIV mother to child transmission                              0.000     0.000
## Male homosexuality                                            0.000     0.000
## Multiple sclerosis                                            0.000     0.000
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                   0.000     0.000
## Physical activity                                             0.400     0.400
## Stroke                                                        0.100     0.100
## Viral load                                                    0.000     0.000
##                                                           unchanged
## Diet                                                           0.34
## Helminthiasis                                                  0.00
## HIV infection                                                  0.36
## Parkinson's disease                                            0.35
## Treatment outcome measurement                                  0.57
## COVID-19                                                       0.45
## Phenotype                                                      0.52
## Diarrhea                                                       0.31
## Polycystic ovary syndrome                                      0.14
## Response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant      0.00
## Alcohol drinking                                               0.00
## Antimicrobial agent                                            0.53
## Gestational diabetes                                           0.77
## Human immunodeficiency virus                                   0.22
## Human papilloma virus infection                                0.57
## Irritable bowel syndrome                                       0.64
## Acute lymphoblastic leukemia                                   0.00
## Age                                                            0.14
## Air pollution                                                  0.30
## Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia                   0.33
## Dry eye syndrome                                               0.43
## Endometriosis                                                  0.60
## Epilepsy                                                       0.20
## Periodontitis                                                  0.50
## Schizophrenia                                                  0.57
## Vesicle membrane                                               0.00
## Atopic asthma                                                  0.58
## Delivery method                                                0.17
## Food allergy                                                   0.75
## Gastric cancer                                                 0.52
## Hypertrophy                                                    0.40
## Iron biomarker measurement                                     0.17
## Asthma                                                         0.83
## Autism spectrum disorder                                       0.00
## Breast cancer                                                  0.78
## Esophageal adenocarcinoma                                      0.67
## Hypertension                                                   0.60
## Phenylketonuria                                                0.50
## Smoking behavior                                               0.36
## Streptococcus pneumoniae                                       0.60
## Alzheimer's disease                                            0.67
## Atopic eczema                                                  0.67
## Breastfeeding duration                                         0.83
## Cesarean section                                               0.67
## Colorectal adenoma                                             0.79
## Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma                          0.80
## Health study participation                                     0.92
## Inflammatory bowel disease                                     0.00
## Lung cancer                                                    0.89
## Obesity                                                        0.56
## Obsessive-compulsive disorder                                  0.80
## Ovarian cancer                                                 0.97
## Psoriasis                                                      0.83
## Response to transplant                                         0.89
## Rheumatoid arthritis                                           0.12
## Sampling site                                                  0.40
## Socioeconomic status                                           0.40
## Transport                                                      0.50
## Type II diabetes mellitus                                      0.64
## Urinary tract infection                                        0.86
## Chlamydia trachomatis                                          0.60
## Colorectal cancer                                              0.61
## Ethnic group                                                   0.20
## HIV mother to child transmission                               1.00
## Male homosexuality                                             1.00
## Multiple sclerosis                                             1.00
## Papillary thyroid carcinoma                                    1.00
## Physical activity                                              0.20
## Stroke                                                         0.80
## Viral load                                                     1.00

Body sites with consistently increased or decreased alpha diversity:

tabDiv(exps, "Shannon", "Body site")
##                                increased decreased unchanged
## Feces                                236       371       864
## Posterior fornix of vagina             9         0         7
## Vagina                                15         6        25
## Skin of body                           7        15         8
## Uterine cervix,Vaginal fluid           9         1         0
## Uterine cervix                         8         1        20
## Subgingival dental plaque              9         3        20
## Buccal mucosa                          5         0         2
## Meconium                               5         0        10
## Space surrounding organism             2         7        13
## Stomach                                5        10         5
## Tongue                                 0         5        12
## Axilla skin                            5         1        11
## Tear film                              0         4         1
## Throat                                 0         4         8
## Caecum                                 1         4        10
## Cecum mucosa                           1         4         6
## Colorectal mucosa                      0         3         8
## Dental plaque                          0         3         3
## Duodenum                               0         3         5
## Skin of forearm                        3         0         3
## Small intestine                        1         4         1
## Bile                                   2         0         3
## Brachialis muscle                      0         2         3
## Conjunctiva                            1         3         6
## Conjunctival sac                       1         3         1
## Esophagus                              0         2         4
## Forelimb skin                          2         0         4
## Lung                                   2         4         7
## Mouth                                  8         6        26
## Nasopharynx                            3         5        28
## Saliva                                34        36       115
## Supragingival dental plaque            1         3         1
## Thyroid gland                          2         0        10
## Uterus                                 3         1        11
## Blood                                  0         1         6
## Breast                                 3         4         4
## Breast,Milk                            1         0         4
## Bulbar conjunctiva                     3         2         5
## Colon                                  3         2        14
## Ileum                                  1         0         9
## Nasal cavity                           0         1         5
## Oral cavity                            4         3         5
## Oropharynx                             1         2         3
## Vagina,Uterine cervix                  3         2         7
## Vaginal fluid                          1         0         5
## Bronchus                               0         0         6
## Endothelium of trachea                 3         3         0
## Intestine                              1         1        14
## Jejunum                                0         0         8
## Milk                                   0         0         7
## Ovary                                  0         0         7
## Peritoneal fluid                       0         0         6
## Posterior wall of oropharynx           2         2         1
## Rectum                                 0         0        12
## Skin of abdomen                        0         0         5
## Sputum                                 6         6         8
## Surface of tongue                      2         2         3
## Urine                                  1         1        16
## Ventral side of post-anal tail         0         0         6
tabDiv(exps, "Shannon", "Body site", perc = TRUE)
##                                increased decreased unchanged
## Feces                              0.160     0.250      0.59
## Posterior fornix of vagina         0.560     0.000      0.44
## Vagina                             0.330     0.130      0.54
## Skin of body                       0.230     0.500      0.27
## Uterine cervix,Vaginal fluid       0.900     0.100      0.00
## Uterine cervix                     0.280     0.034      0.69
## Subgingival dental plaque          0.280     0.094      0.62
## Buccal mucosa                      0.710     0.000      0.29
## Meconium                           0.330     0.000      0.67
## Space surrounding organism         0.091     0.320      0.59
## Stomach                            0.250     0.500      0.25
## Tongue                             0.000     0.290      0.71
## Axilla skin                        0.290     0.059      0.65
## Tear film                          0.000     0.800      0.20
## Throat                             0.000     0.330      0.67
## Caecum                             0.067     0.270      0.67
## Cecum mucosa                       0.091     0.360      0.55
## Colorectal mucosa                  0.000     0.270      0.73
## Dental plaque                      0.000     0.500      0.50
## Duodenum                           0.000     0.380      0.62
## Skin of forearm                    0.500     0.000      0.50
## Small intestine                    0.170     0.670      0.17
## Bile                               0.400     0.000      0.60
## Brachialis muscle                  0.000     0.400      0.60
## Conjunctiva                        0.100     0.300      0.60
## Conjunctival sac                   0.200     0.600      0.20
## Esophagus                          0.000     0.330      0.67
## Forelimb skin                      0.330     0.000      0.67
## Lung                               0.150     0.310      0.54
## Mouth                              0.200     0.150      0.65
## Nasopharynx                        0.083     0.140      0.78
## Saliva                             0.180     0.190      0.62
## Supragingival dental plaque        0.200     0.600      0.20
## Thyroid gland                      0.170     0.000      0.83
## Uterus                             0.200     0.067      0.73
## Blood                              0.000     0.140      0.86
## Breast                             0.270     0.360      0.36
## Breast,Milk                        0.200     0.000      0.80
## Bulbar conjunctiva                 0.300     0.200      0.50
## Colon                              0.160     0.110      0.74
## Ileum                              0.100     0.000      0.90
## Nasal cavity                       0.000     0.170      0.83
## Oral cavity                        0.330     0.250      0.42
## Oropharynx                         0.170     0.330      0.50
## Vagina,Uterine cervix              0.250     0.170      0.58
## Vaginal fluid                      0.170     0.000      0.83
## Bronchus                           0.000     0.000      1.00
## Endothelium of trachea             0.500     0.500      0.00
## Intestine                          0.062     0.062      0.88
## Jejunum                            0.000     0.000      1.00
## Milk                               0.000     0.000      1.00
## Ovary                              0.000     0.000      1.00
## Peritoneal fluid                   0.000     0.000      1.00
## Posterior wall of oropharynx       0.400     0.400      0.20
## Rectum                             0.000     0.000      1.00
## Skin of abdomen                    0.000     0.000      1.00
## Sputum                             0.300     0.300      0.40
## Surface of tongue                  0.290     0.290      0.43
## Urine                              0.056     0.056      0.89
## Ventral side of post-anal tail     0.000     0.000      1.00
tabDiv(exps, "Richness", "Body site")
##                              increased decreased unchanged
## Feces                              134       206       420
## Mouth                               10         3         9
## Posterior fornix of vagina           8         1         2
## Uterine cervix                       8         1        11
## Oropharynx                           0         6         3
## Skin of body                         3         9         6
## Saliva                              18        23        36
## Uterine cervix,Vaginal fluid         7         2         1
## Nasopharynx                          5         9        19
## Stomach                              4         8         3
## Throat                               1         5         5
## Cecum mucosa                         1         4         1
## Small intestine                      1         4         0
## Subgingival dental plaque            5         2        15
## Colon                                6         4        10
## Ear                                  2         0         3
## Esophagus                            0         2         4
## Rectum                               0         2         7
## Surface of tongue                    4         2         1
## Vagina                               4         2        11
## Caecum                               2         3         1
## Ileum                                2         1         7
## Meconium                             2         3         7
## Milk                                 0         1         5
## Nasal cavity                         1         2        10
## Urine                                3         2        12
## Vagina,Uterine cervix                1         0        11
## Breast                               1         1         7
## Bronchus                             0         0         6
## Conjunctiva                          1         1         5
## Intestine                            0         0        13
## Ovary                                0         0         7
## Peritoneal fluid                     0         0         6
## Thyroid gland                        0         0        12
## Tongue                               2         2         7
tabDiv(exps, "Richness", "Body site", perc = TRUE)
##                              increased decreased unchanged
## Feces                            0.180     0.270      0.55
## Mouth                            0.450     0.140      0.41
## Posterior fornix of vagina       0.730     0.091      0.18
## Uterine cervix                   0.400     0.050      0.55
## Oropharynx                       0.000     0.670      0.33
## Skin of body                     0.170     0.500      0.33
## Saliva                           0.230     0.300      0.47
## Uterine cervix,Vaginal fluid     0.700     0.200      0.10
## Nasopharynx                      0.150     0.270      0.58
## Stomach                          0.270     0.530      0.20
## Throat                           0.091     0.450      0.45
## Cecum mucosa                     0.170     0.670      0.17
## Small intestine                  0.200     0.800      0.00
## Subgingival dental plaque        0.230     0.091      0.68
## Colon                            0.300     0.200      0.50
## Ear                              0.400     0.000      0.60
## Esophagus                        0.000     0.330      0.67
## Rectum                           0.000     0.220      0.78
## Surface of tongue                0.570     0.290      0.14
## Vagina                           0.240     0.120      0.65
## Caecum                           0.330     0.500      0.17
## Ileum                            0.200     0.100      0.70
## Meconium                         0.170     0.250      0.58
## Milk                             0.000     0.170      0.83
## Nasal cavity                     0.077     0.150      0.77
## Urine                            0.180     0.120      0.71
## Vagina,Uterine cervix            0.083     0.000      0.92
## Breast                           0.110     0.110      0.78
## Bronchus                         0.000     0.000      1.00
## Conjunctiva                      0.140     0.140      0.71
## Intestine                        0.000     0.000      1.00
## Ovary                            0.000     0.000      1.00
## Peritoneal fluid                 0.000     0.000      1.00
## Thyroid gland                    0.000     0.000      1.00
## Tongue                           0.180     0.180      0.64

Signature stats

sigs <- bugsigdbr::getSignatures(dat, = "metaphlan")

Unique microbes

Number unique microbes contained in the signatures:

(nuniq <- length(unique(unlist(sigs))))
## [1] 7238

Development of unique microbes captured over time:

Microbe set size distribution

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.000   2.000   5.000   8.603  10.000 470.000
gghistogram(lengths(sigs), bins = 30, ylab = "number of signatures",
    xlab = "signature size", fill = "#00AFBB", ggtheme = theme_bw())

sum(lengths(sigs) > 4)
## [1] 3548

Microbe co-occurrence

dat.feces <- subset(dat, `Body site` == "Feces")
cooc.mat <- microbeHeatmap(dat.feces, tax.level = "genus", anno = "genus")
## Loading required namespace: safe

antag.mat <- microbeHeatmap(dat.feces, tax.level = "genus", anno = "genus", antagonistic = TRUE)

Get the top 20 genera most frequently reported as differentially abundant:

sigs.feces <- getSignatures(dat.feces, = "taxname", 
                            tax.level = "genus", = FALSE) 
top20 <- sort(table(unlist(sigs.feces)), decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]
##      Bacteroides  Bifidobacterium Faecalibacterium          Blautia 
##              730              456              446              404 
##     Ruminococcus      Clostridium    Streptococcus       Prevotella 
##              391              384              375              368 
##        Roseburia  Parabacteroides    Lactobacillus        Alistipes 
##              362              353              328              316 
##      Coprococcus            Dorea      Veillonella      Eubacterium 
##              266              252              240              238 
##      Akkermansia     Enterococcus     Anaerostipes      Lachnospira 
##              235              229              219              209

Subset heatmaps to the top 20 genera most frequently reported as differentially abundant:

all(names(top20) %in% rownames(cooc.mat))
## [1] TRUE
cooc.mat <- cooc.mat[names(top20), names(top20)]
all(names(top20) %in% rownames(antag.mat))
## [1] TRUE
antag.mat <- antag.mat[names(top20), names(top20)]

Distinguish by direction of abundance change (increased / decreased):

# increased
sub.dat.feces <- subset(dat.feces, `Abundance in Group 1` == "increased")
sigs.feces.up <- getSignatures(sub.dat.feces, = "taxname", 
                               tax.level = "genus", = FALSE) 
top20.up <- table(unlist(sigs.feces.up))[names(top20)]
##      Bacteroides  Bifidobacterium Faecalibacterium          Blautia 
##              325              220              158              184 
##     Ruminococcus      Clostridium    Streptococcus       Prevotella 
##              152              189              236              171 
##        Roseburia  Parabacteroides    Lactobacillus        Alistipes 
##              111              177              215              128 
##      Coprococcus            Dorea      Veillonella      Eubacterium 
##               94              107              150              103 
##      Akkermansia     Enterococcus     Anaerostipes      Lachnospira 
##              142              171               90               58
# decreased
sub.dat.feces <- subset(dat.feces, `Abundance in Group 1` == "decreased")
sigs.feces.down <- getSignatures(sub.dat.feces, = "taxname", 
                                 tax.level = "genus", = FALSE) 
top20.down <- table(unlist(sigs.feces.down))[names(top20)]
##      Bacteroides  Bifidobacterium Faecalibacterium          Blautia 
##              398              228              282              214 
##     Ruminococcus      Clostridium    Streptococcus       Prevotella 
##              234              190              131              194 
##        Roseburia  Parabacteroides    Lactobacillus        Alistipes 
##              245              170              111              182 
##      Coprococcus            Dorea      Veillonella      Eubacterium 
##              166              139               87              129 
##      Akkermansia     Enterococcus     Anaerostipes      Lachnospira 
##               89               56              123              145

Plot the heatmap

# annotation
mat <- matrix(nc = 2, cbind(top20.up, top20.down))
bp <- ComplexHeatmap::anno_barplot(mat, gp = gpar(fill = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2"),
                                                  col = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2")),
                                   height = unit(2, "cm"))
banno <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(`Abundance in Group 1` = bp)

lgd_list <- list(
    Legend(labels = c("increased", "decreased"), 
           title = "Abundance in Group 1", 
           type = "grid",
           legend_gp = gpar(col = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2"), fill = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2"))))
# same direction
# lcm <- sweep(cooc.mat, 2, matrixStats::colMaxs(cooc.mat), FUN = "/")
# we need to dampen the maximum here a bit down,
# otherwise 100% self co-occurrence takes up a large fraction of the colorscale,
sec <- apply(cooc.mat, 2, function(x) sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[2])
cooc.mat2 <- cooc.mat
for(i in 1:ncol(cooc.mat2)) cooc.mat2[i,i] <- min(cooc.mat2[i,i], 1.4 * sec[i])
lcm <- sweep(cooc.mat2, 2, matrixStats::colMaxs(cooc.mat2), FUN = "/")
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(0,1), c("#EEEEEE", "red"))
ht1 <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(lcm,
                               col = col, 
                               name = "Relative frequency (top)",
                               cluster_columns = FALSE, 
                               row_km = 3, 
                               row_title = "same direction", 
                               column_names_rot = 45,
                               row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
                               column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

# opposite direction
acm <- sweep(antag.mat, 2, matrixStats::colMaxs(antag.mat), FUN = "/")
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(0,1), c("#EEEEEE", "blue"))
ht2 <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(acm,
                               col = col, 
                               name = "Relative frequency (bottom)",
                               cluster_columns = FALSE, 
                               row_title = "opposite direction", 
                               row_km = 3, 
                               column_names_rot = 45,
                               row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
                               column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

# phylum
sfp <- bugsigdbr::getSignatures(dat.feces, = "metaphlan", 
                                tax.level = "genus", = FALSE) 
sfp20 <- sort(table(unlist(sfp)), decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]
uanno <- bugsigdbr::extractTaxLevel(names(sfp20),
                           = "taxname",
                                    tax.level = "phylum",
                           = FALSE) 
phyla.grid <- seq_along(unique(uanno))
panno <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(phylum = uanno)

uanno <- matrix(uanno, nrow = 1)
colnames(uanno) <- names(top20)
pcols <- c("#CC79A7", "#F0E442", "#009E73", "#56B4E9", "#E69F00")
uanno <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(uanno, name = "Phylum",
                                 col = pcols[phyla.grid],
                                 cluster_columns = FALSE,
                                 column_names_rot = 45,
                                 column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

# put everything together
ht_list <- ht1 %v% banno %v% ht2 %v% uanno
ComplexHeatmap::draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd_list, merge_legend = TRUE)

decorate_annotation("Abundance in Group 1", {
    grid.text("# signatures", x = unit(-1, "cm"), rot = 90, just = "bottom", gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(2.45, "cm"), y = unit(1.2, "cm"))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(5.18, "cm"), y = unit(1, "cm"))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(6.55, "cm"), y = unit(0.95, "cm"))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(8.6, "cm"), y = unit(0.85, "cm"))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(10, "cm"), y = unit(0.7, "cm"))
    grid.text("*", x = unit(10.7, "cm"), y = unit(0.7, "cm"))

Signature similarity

Jaccard index

Inspect signature similarity for signatures from stomach samples based on Jaccard index:

stomachsub <- subset(dat, `Body site` == "Stomach")
sigsub <- bugsigdbr::getSignatures(stomachsub)
pair.jsim <- calcJaccardSimilarity(sigsub)

Create a dendrogram of Jaccard dissimilarities (1.0 has no overlap, 0.0 are identical signatures).

jdist <- as.dist(1 - pair.jsim)