
The 17 sources of annotations in bugphyzza. exp = experimental data; igc = inferred from genome context; tas = traceable author statement; nast = non-traceable author statement.

Source Confidence in curation Evidence Full source
Asnicar_2021 medium igc Asnicar F, Berry SE, Valdes AM, et al. Microbiome connections with host metabolism and habitual diet from 1,098 deeply phenotyped individuals. Nat Med. 2021;27(2):321-332. doi:10.1038/s41591-020-01183-8
BacDive high exp
BacMap low nas
Barcenilla_2000 high exp Barcenilla A, Pryde SE, Martin JC, Duncan SH, Stewart CS, Henderson C, Flint HJ. Phylogenetic relationships of butyrate-producing bacteria from the human gut. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2000 Apr;66(4):1654-61. doi: 10.1128/aem.66.4.1654-1661.2000. PMID: 10742256; PMCID: PMC92037.
Bergey’s Manual high exp
Browne_2021 high exp Browne, H.P., Almeida, A., Kumar, N. et al. Host adaptation in gut Firmicutes is associated with sporulation loss and altered transmission cycle. Genome Biol 22, 204 (2021).
Gibson_2018 high exp Gibson B, Wilson DJ, Feil E, Eyre-Walker A. The distribution of bacterial doubling times in the wild. Proc Biol Sci. 2018 Jun 13;285(1880):20180789. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0789. PMID: 29899074; PMCID: PMC6015860.
HeaverS_2018 high exp Heaver SL, Johnson EL, Ley RE. Sphingolipids in host-microbial interactions. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2018 Jun;43:92-99. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2017.12.011. Epub 2018 Jan 12. PMID: 29328957.
Hilt_2014 high exp Hilt, E. E., McKinley, K., Pearce, M. M., Rosenfeld, A. B., Zilliox, M. J., Mueller, E. R., … & Schreckenberger, P. C. (2014). Urine is not sterile: use of enhanced urine culture techniques to detect resident bacterial flora in the adult female bladder. Journal of clinical microbiology, 52(3), 871-876.
Kegg medium igc
Madin_2020 medium tas
Microbial Fatty Acid Compositions high exp
MiDAS high exp Dueholm, M.S., Nierychlo, M., Andersen, K.S., Rudkjøbing, V., Knudsen, S., the MiDAS Global Consortium, Albertsen, M., Nielsen, P.H. 2021; MiDAS 4: A global catalogue of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences and taxonomy for studies of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants. BioRxiv. Nierychlo, M., Andersen, K.S., Xu, Y., Green, N., Jiang, C., Albertsen, M., Dueholm, M.S., Nielsen, P.H., 2020. MiDAS 3: An ecosystem-specific reference database, taxonomy and knowledge platform for activated sludge and anaerobic digesters reveals species-level microbiome composition of activated sludge. Water Research 115955.
OlsenI_2001 high exp Olsen I, Nichols FC. Are Sphingolipids and Serine Dipeptide Lipids Underestimated Virulence Factors of Porphyromonas gingivalis? Infect Immun. 2018 Jun 21;86(7):e00035-18. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00035-18. PMID: 29632248; PMCID: PMC6013676.
PATRIC medium igc; V3.6.7
ProTraits medium igc
The Microbe Directory low nas