filterTaxa filters the number of taxa per sample based on a minimum value of abundance. This functions works with both phyloseq and TreeSummarizedExperiment objects.

filterTaxa(x, min_ab = 1, min_per = 0.2)



A phyloseq or TreeSummarizedExperiment object with otu_table/assay and sample_data/colData


The minimum value of abundance for taxon to be considered as present in a sample. Default is 1. The default value of 1 could be good for counts. Relative abundance or other data transformations might require another threshold value.


minimum percentage of samples in which each taxon must be present in order to be kept in the data. Default is 0.2. Taxon presence is dtermined by the min_ab argument (see above).


The filtered phyloseq/TreeSummarized object