Create a table of all studies currently in data.frame




data.frame produced by importBugSigDB, subsetted as desired


a data.frame of basic study information. Can be wrapped in kable_styling(kbl(.)) to format nicely.


full.dat <- bugsigdbr::importBugSigDB()
#> Using cached version from 2025-01-30 21:57:36
#> # A tibble: 968 × 5
#>    Study            Condition                      Cases Controls `Study Design`
#>    <chr>            <chr>                          <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>         
#>  1 Aarts 2017       Attention deficit hyperactivi…    19       77 case-control  
#>  2 Abotsi 2023      Azithromycin                     174      174 randomized co…
#>  3 Abrahamsson 2012 Atopic eczema                     20       20 prospective c…
#>  4 Adamberg 2018    Obesity                            9        9 case-control  
#>  5 Adebayo 2017     Urinary schistosomiasis           46       25 case-control  
#>  6 Aguilar 2020     Obesity                           16       56 cross-section…
#>  7 Ahn 2013         Colorectal cancer                 47       94 case-control  
#>  8 Aho 2019         Parkinson's disease               64       64 case-control  
#>  9 Aho 2021         Parkinson's disease               55       56 case-control  
#> 10 Aho 2024         Parkinson's disease               60       90 case-control  
#> # ℹ 958 more rows
## kable_styling(kbl(createStudyTable(full.dat))) #for html styling