Create a table of most frequent taxa in a data.frame

createTaxonTable(dat, n = 10)



data.frame produced by importBugSigDB, subsetted as desired


number of taxa to return (if sig.type=="both", this is the number of taxa to return for each direction)


kable table with increased and decreased taxa and a binomial test based on total number of studies in the data.frame


full.dat <- bugsigdbr::importBugSigDB()
#> Using cached version from 2022-03-31 12:35:22
createTaxonTable(full.dat, n=20)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 15
#>    `Taxon Name`       `Taxonomic Level` total_signatures increased_signatures
#>    <chr>              <chr>                        <int>                <int>
#>  1 Streptococcus      genus                          221                  140
#>  2 Prevotella         genus                          191                  100
#>  3 Bacteroides        genus                          179                   66
#>  4 Lactobacillus      genus                          171                   99
#>  5 Firmicutes         phylum                         155                   66
#>  6 Bacteroidetes      phylum                         152                   72
#>  7 Lachnospiraceae    family                         144                   60
#>  8 Bifidobacterium    genus                          138                   61
#>  9 Faecalibacterium   genus                          121                   36
#> 10 Veillonella        genus                          121                   76
#> 11 Clostridium        genus                          120                   69
#> 12 Proteobacteria     phylum                         118                   83
#> 13 Actinobacteria     phylum                         114                   59
#> 14 Enterobacteriaceae family                         114                   84
#> 15 Oscillospiraceae   family                         102                   41
#> 16 Ruminococcus       genus                          100                   43
#> 17 Eubacteriales      order                           97                   42
#> 18 Lactobacillaceae   family                          95                   51
#> 19 Roseburia          genus                           95                   30
#> 20 Blautia            genus                           94                   44
#> # … with 11 more variables: decreased_signatures <int>,
#> #   `Binomial Test pval` <dbl>, kingdom <chr>, phylum <chr>, class <chr>,
#> #   order <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>, species <chr>, n_signatures <int>,
#> #   metaphlan_name <fct>