Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology: Session 2
Levi Waldron
Schematic of a typical scRNA-seq analysis workflow

Each stage (separated by dashed lines) consists of a number of specific steps, many of which operate on and modify a SingleCellExperiment instance. (original image)
Day 2 outline
Book chapter 8:
- Distances in high dimensions
- Principal Components Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition
- Multidimensional Scaling
- t-SNE and UMAP
Metrics and distances
A metric satisfies the following five properties:
- non-negativity
- symmetry
- identification mark
- definiteness if and only if
- triangle inequality
- A distance is only required to satisfy 1-3.
- A similarity function satisfies 1-2, and increases as and become more similar
- A dissimilarity function satisfies 1-2, and decreases as and become more similar
Euclidian distance (metric)
- Remember grade school:
Euclidean d = . - Side note: also referred to as norm
Euclidian distance in high dimensions
## BiocManager::install("genomicsclass/tissuesGeneExpression") #if needed
## BiocManager::install("genomicsclass/GSE5859") #if needed
dim(e) ##gene expression data
#> [1] 22215 189
table(tissue) ##tissue[i] corresponds to e[,i]
#> tissue
#> cerebellum colon endometrium hippocampus kidney liver
#> 38 34 15 31 39 26
#> placenta
#> 6
Interested in identifying similar samples and similar genes
Notes about Euclidian distance in high dimensions
- Points are no longer on the Cartesian plane
- instead they are in higher dimensions. For example:
- sample is defined by a point in 22,215 dimensional space: .
- feature is defined by a point in 189 dimensions
Euclidean distance as for two dimensions. E.g., the distance between two samples and is:
and the distance between two features and is:
Euclidian distance in matrix algebra notation
The Euclidian distance between samples and can be written as:
with and columns and .
Note about matrix algebra in R
- R is very efficient at matrix algebra
- for very large matricies, see the:
- Matrix CRAN package (sparse matrices)
- rhdf5 and DelayedArray Bioconductor package (on-disk arrays)
The dist() function
Excerpt from ?dist:
method = "euclidean",
diag = FALSE,
upper = FALSE,
p = 2
method: the distance measure to be used.
- This must be one of “euclidean”, “maximum”, “manhattan”, “canberra”, “binary” or “minkowski”. Any unambiguous substring can be given.
class output fromdist()
is used for many clustering algorithms and heatmap functions
Caution: dist(e)
creates a 22215 x 22215 matrix
that will probably crash your R session.
Note on standardization
- In practice, features (e.g. genes) are typically “standardized”, i.e. converted to z-score:
- This is done because the differences in overall levels between
features are often not due to biological effects but technical ones,
- GC bias, PCR amplification efficiency, …
Not much distance is lost in the second dimension
- Not much loss of height differences when just using average heights
of twin pairs.
- because twin heights are highly correlated
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
SVD generalizes the example rotation we looked at:

note: the above formulation is for rows columns
: the rows x cols matrix of measurements
: matrix relating original scores to PCA scores (loadings)
: diagonal matrix (eigenvalues)
: orthogonal matrix (eigenvectors or PCA scores)
- orthogonal = unit length and “perpendicular” in 3-D
SVD of gene expression dataset
Center but do not scale, just to make plots before more legible:
Components of SVD results
dim(s$u) # loadings
#> [1] 22215 189
length(s$d) # eigenvalues
#> [1] 189
dim(s$v) # d %*% vT = scores
#> [1] 189 189

PCA interpretation: loadings

(loadings): relate the principal component
axes to the original variables
- think of principal component axes as a weighted combination of original axes
Visualizing PCA loadings
plot(p$rotation[, 1],
xlab = "Index of genes",
ylab = "Loadings of PC1",
main = "PC1 loadings of each gene") #or, predict(p)
abline(h = c(-0.03, 0.03), col = "red")
Genes with high PC1 loadings
e.pc1genes <-
e.standardize[p$rotation[, 1] < -0.03 |
p$rotation[, 1] > 0.03,]
scale = "none",
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = FALSE
PCA interpretation: eigenvalues
- (eigenvalues): standard deviation scaling factor that each decomposed variable is multiplied by.
p$sdev ^ 2 / sum(p$sdev ^ 2) * 100,
xlim = c(0, 150),
type = "b",
ylab = "% variance explained",
main = "Screeplot"
PCA interpretation: eigenvalues
Alternatively as cumulative % variance explained (using
cumsum(p$sdev ^ 2) / sum(p$sdev ^ 2) * 100,
ylab = "cumulative % variance explained",
ylim = c(0, 100),
type = "b",
main = "Cumulative screeplot"
PCA interpretation: scores

- (scores): The “datapoints” in the reduced prinipal component space
- In some implementations (like
), scores are already scaled by eigenvalues:
Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS)
- also referred to as Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA)
- a reduced SVD, performed on a distance matrix
- identify two (or more) eigenvalues/vectors that preserve distances
- non-linear dimension reduction method very popular for visualizing
single-cell data
- almost magical ability to show clearly separated clusters
- performs different transformations on different regions
- computationally intensive so usually done only on top ~30 PCs
- t-SNE is sensitive to choices of tuning parameters
- “perplexity” parameter defines (loosely) how to balance attention between local and global aspects of data
- optimal choice of perplexity changes for different numbers of cells from the same sample.
- perplexity = is one rule of thumb. is another (default of Rtsne)
- Here is a good post by Nikolay Oskolkov on this topic.
t-SNE caveats
- uses a random number generator
- apparent spread of clusters is completely meaningless
- distance between clusters might also not mean anything
- parameters can be tuned to make data appear how you want
- can show apparent clusters in random noise. Should not be used for statistical inference
- Try it to gain some intuition:

PCA of Zeisel single-cell RNA-seq dataset
sce.zeisel <- fixedPCA(sce.zeisel, subset.row=NULL)
plotReducedDim(sce.zeisel, dimred="PCA", colour_by="level1class")

Principal Components Analysis of Zeisel dataset
t-SNE of the same dataset
sce.zeisel <- runTSNE(sce.zeisel, dimred="PCA")
plotReducedDim(sce.zeisel, dimred="TSNE", colour_by="level1class")

t-SNE clustering of Zeisel dataset
- UMAP may better preserve local and global distances
- tends to have more compact visual clusters with more empty space between them
- more computationally efficient
- also involves random number generation
- Note: I prefer not setting the random number seed during exploratory analysis in order to see the random variability
UMAP of the same dataset
sce.zeisel <- runUMAP(sce.zeisel, dimred="PCA")
plotReducedDim(sce.zeisel, dimred="UMAP", colour_by="level1class")

UMAP representation of the Zeisel dataset
tSNE of tissue microarray data
Using default parameters and no log transformation
sct <- SingleCellExperiment(e)
sct$tissue <- tissue
# fake the log normalization because it is undesirable for microarray data
names(assays(sct)) <- "logcounts"
sct <- fixedPCA(sct, subset.row=NULL)
sct <- runTSNE(sct, dimred="PCA")
plotReducedDim(sct, dimred="TSNE", colour_by="tissue")
UMAP of tissue microarray data
Also using default parameters and no log transformation
sct <- runUMAP(sct, dimred="PCA")
plotReducedDim(sct, dimred="UMAP", colour_by="tissue")
Summary: distances and dimension reduction
- Note: signs of rotations (loadings) and eigenvectors (scores) can be arbitrarily flipped
- PCA and MDS are useful for dimension reduction when you have correlated variables
- Variables are always centered.
- Variables are also scaled unless you know they have the same scale in the population
- PCA projection can be applied to new datasets if you know the matrix calculations
- PCA is subject to over-fitting, screeplot can be tested by cross-validation
- PCA is often used prior to t-SNE and UMAP for de-noising and computational tractability
Lab exercise
- OSCA Basics: Chapter 4 Dimensionality Reduction
- Optional if you are interested, OSCA Advanced: Chapter 4 Dimensionality reduction, redux